The causes of continental arc flare ups and drivers of episodic magmatic activity in Cordilleran orogenic systems
Continental arcs in Cordilleran orogenic systems display episodic changes in magma
production rate, alternating between flare ups (70–90 km 3 km− 1 Myr− 1) and lulls (< 20 km …
production rate, alternating between flare ups (70–90 km 3 km− 1 Myr− 1) and lulls (< 20 km …
Evolution and prospects of Earth system models: Challenges and opportunities
Earth system models (ESMs) serve as vital tools for comprehensively simulating the intricate
interplay of physical, chemical, and biological processes across the Earth system's diverse …
interplay of physical, chemical, and biological processes across the Earth system's diverse …
Innovations in (U–Th)/He, fission track, and trapped charge thermochronometry with applications to earthquakes, weathering, surface‐mantle connections, and the …
A transformative advance in Earth science is the development of low‐temperature
thermochronometry to date Earth surface processes or quantify the thermal evolution of …
thermochronometry to date Earth surface processes or quantify the thermal evolution of …
New perspectives on 'geological strain rates' calculated from both naturally deformed and actively deforming rocks
A value of∼ 10− 14 s− 1 is commonly cited as an average geological strain rate. This value
was first suggested for finite strain across an orogen, but based on more limited information …
was first suggested for finite strain across an orogen, but based on more limited information …
The Laramide orogeny: Current understanding of the structural style, timing, and spatial distribution of the classic foreland thick-skinned tectonic system
The Laramide foreland belt comprises a broad region of thick-skinned, contractional
deformation characterized by an anastomosing network of basement-cored arches and …
deformation characterized by an anastomosing network of basement-cored arches and …
Rheology of continental lithosphere and seismic anisotropy
Rheology of rocks controls the deformation of the Earth at various space-time scales, which
is crucial to understand the tectonic evolution of continental lithosphere. Researches of rock …
is crucial to understand the tectonic evolution of continental lithosphere. Researches of rock …
[HTML][HTML] A non–plate tectonic model for the Eoarchean Isua supracrustal belt
Abstract The ca. 3.8–3.6-by-old Isua supracrustal belt of SW Greenland is Earth's only site
older than 3.2 Ga that is exclusively interpreted via plate-tectonic theory. The belt is divided …
older than 3.2 Ga that is exclusively interpreted via plate-tectonic theory. The belt is divided …
Magmatic forcing of Cenozoic climate?
Established theories ascribe much of the observed long‐term Cenozoic climate cooling to
atmospheric carbon consumption by erosion and weathering of tectonically uplifted terrains …
atmospheric carbon consumption by erosion and weathering of tectonically uplifted terrains …
[HTML][HTML] Active tectonics in 4D high-resolution
With a little more than 100 years since the publication of seminal and field-defining
investigations, active tectonics is still a relatively young sub-discipline of structural geology …
investigations, active tectonics is still a relatively young sub-discipline of structural geology …
Early Paleozoic oblique convergence from subduction to collision: Insights from timing and structural style of the transpressional dextral shear zone in the Qilian …
Y Wu, J Zhang, B Zhang, X Mao, Z Lu, G Zhou… - …, 2024 -
Transpressional shear zones commonly occur in ancient and modern convergent plate
boundaries to accommodate oblique plate convergence. The early Paleozoic Qilian orogen …
boundaries to accommodate oblique plate convergence. The early Paleozoic Qilian orogen …