[HTML][HTML] The effects of digital marketing of unhealthy commodities on young people: a systematic review
The marketing of unhealthy commodities through traditional media is known to impact
consumers' product attitudes and behaviors. Less is known about the impacts of digital …
consumers' product attitudes and behaviors. Less is known about the impacts of digital …
The commercial use of digital media to market alcohol products: a narrative review
Background and aims The rising use of digital media in the last decade, including social
networking media and downloadable applications, has created new opportunities for …
networking media and downloadable applications, has created new opportunities for …
Children and adolescents' exposure to food and beverage marketing in social media apps
Background Unhealthy food marketing is a powerful determinant of unhealthy diets and
obesity among children. Although it is known that food marketers target young people on …
obesity among children. Although it is known that food marketers target young people on …
Different digital paths to the keg? How exposure to peers' alcohol-related social media content influences drinking among male and female first-year college students
Despite speculation that peers' alcohol-related content on social media sites (SMS) may
influence the alcohol use behaviors of SMS frequenting college students, this relationship …
influence the alcohol use behaviors of SMS frequenting college students, this relationship …
Understanding and addressing stigma through qualitative research: Four reasons why we need qualitative studies.
Stigmatization is a socially and culturally constructed process, occurring in social
interactions, whereby a person is labeled as different and then devalued, resulting in status …
interactions, whereby a person is labeled as different and then devalued, resulting in status …
Commentary: Writing and evaluating qualitative research reports
YP Wu, D Thompson, KJ Aroian… - Journal of pediatric …, 2016 - academic.oup.com
Objective To provide an overview of qualitative methods, particularly for reviewers and
authors who may be less familiar with qualitative research. Methods A question and answer …
authors who may be less familiar with qualitative research. Methods A question and answer …
[HTML][HTML] Why are young people drinking less than earlier? Identifying and specifying social mechanisms with a pragmatist approach
Recent surveys have found a strong decrease in alcohol consumption among young people
and this trend has been identified in European countries, Australia and North America …
and this trend has been identified in European countries, Australia and North America …
The future of qualitative research in psychology: Accentuating the positive
B Gough, A Lyons - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 2016 - Springer
In this paper we reflect on current trends and anticipate future prospects regarding
qualitative research in Psychology. We highlight various institutional and disciplinary …
qualitative research in Psychology. We highlight various institutional and disciplinary …
Long-term associations between substance use-related media exposure, descriptive norms, and alcohol use from adolescence to young adulthood
Adolescents and young adults in the United States are constantly exposed to substance-
related media and advertising content. The current study seeks to explore, developmentally …
related media and advertising content. The current study seeks to explore, developmentally …
[HTML][HTML] The role of alcohol in constructing gender & class identities among young women in the age of social media
Research suggests young women view drinking as a pleasurable aspect of their social lives
but that they face challenges in engaging in a traditionally 'masculine'behaviour whilst …
but that they face challenges in engaging in a traditionally 'masculine'behaviour whilst …