Effect of environmental factors on growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Aquaculture is the practice of develo** aquatic animals and plants under artificial
environmental conditions, either in a controlled or semi-controlled environment. Due to high …
environmental conditions, either in a controlled or semi-controlled environment. Due to high …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the effect of different feeding frequencies combined with stocking density, initial weight, and dietary protein ratio on the growth performance of …
This review illustrates the relationships among stocking rate, initial weight (W 1), dietary
protein ratio (CP), specific growth rate (SGR), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of three …
protein ratio (CP), specific growth rate (SGR), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of three …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of feeding frequency as a rearing system on biological performance, survival, body chemical composition and economic efficiency of Asian Seabass …
A 70-day rearing trial was done to determine the optimal frequency of feeding on growth
performance (GP), feed conversion rate (FCR), cannibalism, survival rate (SR), body …
performance (GP), feed conversion rate (FCR), cannibalism, survival rate (SR), body …
From egg to slaughter: monitoring the welfare of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, throughout their entire life cycle in aquaculture
AS Pedrazzani, N Cozer, MH Quintiliano… - Frontiers in Veterinary …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
The primary aim of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the welfare of Nile tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus) throughout their entire life cycle within aquaculture, spanning from …
(Oreochromis niloticus) throughout their entire life cycle within aquaculture, spanning from …
Effects of stocking density on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, biochemical composition, and economic efficiency of a new strain of Oreochromis …
The latest strain of Oreochromis niloticus is an altered ecological adaptation for sustainable
aquaculture and is necessary to sustain stocking density and reduce physiological stress of …
aquaculture and is necessary to sustain stocking density and reduce physiological stress of …
Interaction of feeding frequency and feeding rate on growth, nutrient utilization, and plasma metabolites of juvenile genetically improved farmed Nile tilapia …
DI Cadorin, MFO da Silva… - Journal of the World …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We evaluated the possible interaction between feeding frequency (FF) and feeding rate (FR)
on growth, nutrient utilization, body composition, and plasma metabolites of juvenile Nile …
on growth, nutrient utilization, body composition, and plasma metabolites of juvenile Nile …
Supplemental effects of mixed ingredients and rice bran on the growth performance, survival and yield of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus reared in fertilized earthen …
Unaffordability of commercial feeds to semi-intensive Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
farmers has led to reliance on supplemental feeding and fertilization for nutrition of their fish …
farmers has led to reliance on supplemental feeding and fertilization for nutrition of their fish …
The need of a structured tilapia breeding program in Tanzania to enhance aquaculture production: A review
Breeding programs are crucial for boosting productivity and increase sustainability of
aquaculture. Over years, Tanzania has witnessed fluctuation in its capture fisheries …
aquaculture. Over years, Tanzania has witnessed fluctuation in its capture fisheries …
The integration of fish and plant production: Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and basil (Ocimum basilicum) culture in recirculating and aquaponic systems
M Selek, M Endo, M Yiğit, T Takeuchi - Journal of aquaculture …, 2017 - dergipark.org.tr
In the present study, tilapia and basil production was performed in an aquaponic system
developed with the integration of fish and plant production in the same culture environment …
developed with the integration of fish and plant production in the same culture environment …
The effect of chitosan in feed on growth, survival rate and feed utilization efficiency of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Kitosan merupakan polisakarida fungsional yang mampu menginduksi berbagai aktivitas
biologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian kitosan terhadap …
biologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian kitosan terhadap …