Psychological contracts at different levels: The cross-level and comparative multilevel effects of team psychological contract fulfillment
L Laulié, AG Tekleab… - Group & Organization …, 2023 -
Taking a multi-level perspective on the psychological contract (PC), this study investigates
the overlooked but critical role of team psychological contract fulfillment in sha** team and …
the overlooked but critical role of team psychological contract fulfillment in sha** team and …
Exploring self-regulation theory as a mechanism of the effects of psychological contract fulfillment: The role of emotional intelligence
L Laulié, G Briceño-Jiménez… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
As self-regulation theory has increasingly been used as a theoretical lens to explain the
effects of psychological contract evaluations and employee outcomes, we test whether …
effects of psychological contract evaluations and employee outcomes, we test whether …
Too good to be true? Are supervisor-perspective ratings a valid substitute for actual supervisor ratings?
Due to well-known problems with self-ratings of job performance (eg, inflation, weak
correlation with supervisor ratings) and the challenges of collecting supervisor ratings of job …
correlation with supervisor ratings) and the challenges of collecting supervisor ratings of job …
Me and my team: the role of social context in psychological contract breach and fulfilment
J Akkermans, S De Jong, J De Jong… - Handbook of research on …, 2019 -
The psychological contract—which refers to employees' perceptions about mutual
obligations that exist between them and the organization (Rousseau, 1989)—has been a …
obligations that exist between them and the organization (Rousseau, 1989)—has been a …
[ספר][B] But you promised! A meta-analytic investigation of the nomological net of psychological contract breach
R Rees - 2022 -
The psychological contract and its breach have received a substantial amount of research
attention in the 62 years since they were first introduced. Given the high prevalence of …
attention in the 62 years since they were first introduced. Given the high prevalence of …
Intercambios sociales y comunicacionales como antecedentes en la percepción de cumplimientos de contratos psicológicos de equipos
G Briceño Jiménez - 2022 -
La presente tesis busca explorar empíricamente los efectos del Cumplimiento de Contratos
Psicológicos de Equipos (Team Psychological Contract Fulfillment) en variables de interés …
Psicológicos de Equipos (Team Psychological Contract Fulfillment) en variables de interés …