[HTML][HTML] Urban sustainability assessment: An overview and bibliometric analysis
A Sharifi - Ecological Indicators, 2021 - Elsevier
Following the recognition of the significance of urban areas for achieving sustainable
development in the late 1980′ s, first studies on 'urban sustainability assessment'were …
development in the late 1980′ s, first studies on 'urban sustainability assessment'were …
Data envelopment analysis application in sustainability: The origins, development and future directions
Sustainable development and sustainability assessment have been of great interest to both
academe and practitioners in the past decades. In this study, we review the literature on data …
academe and practitioners in the past decades. In this study, we review the literature on data …
Review of sustainability indices and indicators: Towards a new City Sustainability Index (CSI)
K Mori, A Christodoulou - Environmental impact assessment review, 2012 - Elsevier
The purpose of this paper is to discuss conceptual requirements for a City Sustainability
Index (CSI) and to review existing major sustainability indices/indicators in terms of the …
Index (CSI) and to review existing major sustainability indices/indicators in terms of the …
Urban metabolism: A review of research methodologies
Y Zhang - Environmental pollution, 2013 - Elsevier
Urban metabolism analysis has become an important tool for the study of urban ecosystems.
The problems of large metabolic throughput, low metabolic efficiency, and disordered …
The problems of large metabolic throughput, low metabolic efficiency, and disordered …
A review of limitations of GDP and alternative indices to monitor human wellbeing and to manage eco-system functionality
Abstract The misuse of Gross Domestic Product as a measure of public wellbeing results
from the idea that economic growth is always synonymous with enhanced quality of life …
from the idea that economic growth is always synonymous with enhanced quality of life …
Application of life cycle thinking towards sustainable cities: A review
Defining sustainable cities is not straightforward. The main issues involved in urban
sustainability are buildings, energy, food, green areas and landscape, mobility, urban …
sustainability are buildings, energy, food, green areas and landscape, mobility, urban …
[HTML][HTML] Índices versus indicadores: precisões conceituais na discussão da sustentabilidade de países
O desenvolvimento sustentável é, hoje em dia, um dos principais desafios a ser enfrentado
por todos os países do globo. Busca-se um desenvolvimento com crescimento econômico …
por todos os países do globo. Busca-se um desenvolvimento com crescimento econômico …
Sustainability of nations by indices: Comparative study between environmental sustainability index, ecological footprint and the emergy performance indices
The present work makes a comparison between the two most used environmental
sustainability indices of nations:“ecological footprint” and “environmental sustainability …
sustainability indices of nations:“ecological footprint” and “environmental sustainability …
A review of urban metabolism studies to identify key methodological choices for future harmonization and implementation
The concept of urban metabolism has often been used to model and analyze urban regions
to provide insights on their environmental sustainability. However, no consensus exists on …
to provide insights on their environmental sustainability. However, no consensus exists on …
Green economic efficiency and productivity for sustainable development in China: A ray epsilon-based measure model analysis
R Mo, H Huang, J Zhang, Y Liu, X Zhao - Environmental Science & Policy, 2024 - Elsevier
Improving green economic efficiency (GEE) and productivity are crucial for China to realize
sustainable development goals. However, the economic growth of China has followed an …
sustainable development goals. However, the economic growth of China has followed an …