Efficient sequential consistency using conditional fences
Among the various memory consistency models, the sequential consistency (SC) model, in
which memory operations appear to take place in the order specified by the program, is the …
which memory operations appear to take place in the order specified by the program, is the …
WeeFence: Toward making fences free in TSO
Although fences are designed for low-overhead concurrency coordination, they can be
expensive in current machines. If fences were largely free, faster fine-grained concurrent …
expensive in current machines. If fences were largely free, faster fine-grained concurrent …
Vulcan: Hardware support for detecting sequential consistency violations dynamically
Past work has focused on detecting data races as proxies for Sequential Consistency (SC)
violations. However, most data races do not violate SC. In addition, lock-free data structures …
violations. However, most data races do not violate SC. In addition, lock-free data structures …
Volition: Scalable and precise sequential consistency violation detection
Sequential Consistency (SC) is the most intuitive memory model, and SC Violations (SCVs)
produce unintuitive, typically incorrect executions. Most prior SCV detection schemes have …
produce unintuitive, typically incorrect executions. Most prior SCV detection schemes have …
Address-aware fences
Many modern multicore architectures support shared memory for ease of programming and
relaxed memory models to deliver high performance. With relaxed memory models, memory …
relaxed memory models to deliver high performance. With relaxed memory models, memory …
Asymmetric memory fences: Optimizing both performance and implementability
There have been several recent efforts to improve the performance of fences. The most
aggressive designs allow post-fence accesses to retire and complete before the fence …
aggressive designs allow post-fence accesses to retire and complete before the fence …
Detecting, exposing, and classifying sequential consistency violations
MM Islam, A Muzahid - 2016 IEEE 27th International …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Sequential Consistency (SC) is the most intuitive memory model for parallel programs.
However, modern architectures aggressively reorder and overlap memory accesses …
However, modern architectures aggressively reorder and overlap memory accesses …
Characterizing real world bugs causing sequential consistency violations
MM Islam, A Muzahid - 5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in …, 2013 - usenix.org
With the ubiquitous availability of parallel architectures, the burden falls on programmers'
shoulders to write correct parallel programs that have high performance and portability …
shoulders to write correct parallel programs that have high performance and portability …
Bugaroo: Exposing memory model bugs in many-core systems
MM Islam, A Muzahid - 2018 IEEE 29th International …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Modern many-core architectures such as GPUs aggressively reorder and buffer memory
accesses. Updates to shared and global data are not guaranteed to be visible to concurrent …
accesses. Updates to shared and global data are not guaranteed to be visible to concurrent …
Efficient routing in mobile ad-hoc social networks
Efficient routing in large-scale P2P applications over mobile networks is a challenge. Such
networks are formed by clusters of nodes, representing a community of interest, joining with …
networks are formed by clusters of nodes, representing a community of interest, joining with …