Divergent dynamics: disasters and conflicts as 'drivers' of internal displacement?

DJ Cantor - Disasters, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Disasters and conflicts are both widely recognised as 'drivers' of internal displacement. Yet,
despite a growing body of research and policy, there has been little consideration to date of …

Radiation emergency preparedness and response

RKB Yadav, A Chandra, T Meena, JK Divkar… - Handbook on Radiation …, 2024 - Springer
Radiation has several uses in economic, health, and social avenues and nuclear power is
well established as a viable source of power generation. Together their rapid growth has …

Unsustainable development, disasters and displacement: revisiting the governance challenge

A Mosneaga - International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022 - Elsevier
The increasing frequency and magnitude of disasters–many of which are considered to
reflect intensifying climate change–are leading to more collisions between environmental …

Solutions discourse in disaster displacement: implications for policy and practice

A Mosneaga - Disasters, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Displacement in the context of disasters and climate change has gained considerable
attention in international policy processes pertaining to migration and displacement over the …

Pojam produženog raseljenja u teoriji i praksi

MV Matijević - 2024 - ricl.iup.rs
Porast broja lica pogođenih internim raseljenjem, uočen devedesetih godina prošlog veka,
dobio je danas dimenzije jedne krize globalnih razmera. U njenom korenu leži problem …