Treasure trove for efficient hydrogen evolution through water splitting using diverse perovskite photocatalysts
Photocatalytic water splitting is the environmentally benign artificial photosynthetic pathway
to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen. It provides a great platform for bridging the …
to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen. It provides a great platform for bridging the …
Decorating Thermodynamically Stable (101) Facets of TiO2 with MoO3 for Multifunctional Sustainable Hydrogen Energy and Ammonia Gas Sensing Applications
The simultaneous realization of sustainable energy and gas sensors dealing with the
emission of pollutants is indispensable as the former thrives on the minimization of the latter …
emission of pollutants is indispensable as the former thrives on the minimization of the latter …
Exploiting multiferroicity of TbFeO3 nanoparticles for hydrogen generation through photo/electro/photoelectro-catalytic water splitting
Hydrogen is a potential future energy source that could replace conventional fuel and
provide the necessary energy. Multiferroic materials are the most likely choices for water …
provide the necessary energy. Multiferroic materials are the most likely choices for water …
Emerging rare earth perovskite nanostructures for efficient electrochemical energy conversion and storage
Rare earth-based perovskite nanostructures are potential materials for electrocatalytic water
splitting and energy storage applications due to their great chemical stability. DyMnO 3 …
splitting and energy storage applications due to their great chemical stability. DyMnO 3 …
Perspectives and scope of ABO3 type multiferroic rare-earth perovskites
Multiferroics has drawn significant scientific interest because of its applications in various
domains such as spintronics, data storage, and electrically adjustable memory devices …
domains such as spintronics, data storage, and electrically adjustable memory devices …
Bifunctional Multiferroic GdCrO3 Nanoassemblies for Sustainable H2 Production Using Electro- and Photocatalysis
In the realm of energy storage and conversion powered by electro-or photocatalysts,
tremendous efforts are devoted on producing effective and long-lasting oxide catalysts …
tremendous efforts are devoted on producing effective and long-lasting oxide catalysts …
Energy-efficient hydrogen generation using multiferroic TbCrO3 nanoparticles via electrocatalysis coupled with hydrazine oxidation and photocatalysis
Multiferroic TbCrO 3 nanoparticles were synthesized using solvothermal approach for
photocatalytic and electrocatalytic hydrogen generation. As-synthesized TbCrO 3 …
photocatalytic and electrocatalytic hydrogen generation. As-synthesized TbCrO 3 …
Structural analysis and photocatalytic activities of bismuth-lanthanide oxide perovskites
A series of pure bismuth-lanthanide oxide perovskites of the formula of BiLnO 3 (Ln= Sm,
Eu, Tb, Er and Ho) has been synthesized via simple sol-gel methods. The elemental …
Eu, Tb, Er and Ho) has been synthesized via simple sol-gel methods. The elemental …
Synergistic effect of multiferroicity in GdFeO3 nanoparticles for significant hydrogen production through photo/electrocatalysis
Due to chemical stability and visible-light driven features, perovskite-based photocatalysts
and electrocatalysts are potential candidates for implementation of water-splitting hydrogen …
and electrocatalysts are potential candidates for implementation of water-splitting hydrogen …
ZrO2/CeO2-Heterostructured Nanocomposites for Enhanced Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensing
CeO2 and ZrO2 nanospheres were successfully prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. From
the as-synthesized pristine nanostructures, ZrO2–CeO2 nanocomposite heterostructures …
the as-synthesized pristine nanostructures, ZrO2–CeO2 nanocomposite heterostructures …