The tone atlas of perceptual discriminability and perceptual distance: Four tone languages and five language groups
Some prior investigations suggest that tone perception is flexible, reasonably independent
of native phonology, whereas others suggest it is constrained by native phonology. We …
of native phonology, whereas others suggest it is constrained by native phonology. We …
The pitch contour of the French discourse marker donc: A corpus-based study using generalized additive mixed modeling
In this article, we explored the pitch contour patterns of the French discourse marker donc in
realizing different pragmatic functions from native and non-native oral corpora in French …
realizing different pragmatic functions from native and non-native oral corpora in French …
[PDF][PDF] Non-native lexical tones presented in low-high direction is beneficial for learning: Evidence from Cantonese rising and level tones
Learning Cantonese tones is challenging for Mandarin speakers. Various factors are
reported to affect non-native tone perception, and they include both linguistic ones such as …
reported to affect non-native tone perception, and they include both linguistic ones such as …