The sense of should: A biologically-based framework for modeling social pressure

JE Theriault, L Young, LF Barrett - Physics of Life Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
What is social pressure, and how could it be adaptive to conform to others' expectations?
Existing accounts highlight the importance of reputation and social sanctions. Yet, conformist …

Where in the brain is morality? Everywhere and maybe nowhere

L Young, J Dungan - Social neuroscience, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The neuroscience of morality has focused on how morality works and where it is in the brain.
In tackling these questions, researchers have taken both domain-specific and domain …

[KNIHA][B] The community of advantage: A behavioural economist's defence of the market

R Sugden - 2018 -
The Community of Advantage asks how economists should do normative analysis.
Normative analysis in economics has usually aimed at satisfying individuals' preferences. Its …

Moral psychology is relationship regulation: moral motives for unity, hierarchy, equality, and proportionality.

TS Rai, AP Fiske - Psychological review, 2011 -
Genuine moral disagreement exists and is widespread. To understand such disagreement,
we must examine the basic kinds of social relationships people construct across cultures …

[KNIHA][B] The emotional construction of morals

J Prinz - 2007 -
Jesse Prinz argues that recent work in philosophy, neuroscience, and anthropology
supports two radical hypotheses about the nature of morality: moral values are based on …

[PDF][PDF] The moral mind: How five sets of innate intuitions guide the development of many culture-specific virtues, and perhaps even modules

J Haidt, C Joseph - The innate mind, 2007 -
[This article is published, with only minor editing from the proofreader, as: Haidt, J., &
Joseph, C.(2007). The moral mind: How 5 sets of innate moral intuitions guide the …

[HTML][HTML] The definition of morality

J Gert, B Gert - 2002 -
The topic of this entry is not—at least directly—moral theory; rather, it is the definition of
morality. Moral theories are large and complex things; definitions are not. The question of …

Young children enforce social norms selectively depending on the violator's group affiliation

MFH Schmidt, H Rakoczy, M Tomasello - Cognition, 2012 - Elsevier
To become cooperative members of their cultural groups, develo** children must follow
their group's social norms. But young children are not just blind norm followers, they are also …

Diagnostic accuracy of a hand-held ultrasound scanner in routine patients referred for echocardiography

C Prinz, JU Voigt - Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2011 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the imaging capabilities of recent
hand-held ultrasound scanners. METHODS: Three hundred forty-nine patients were …

[HTML][HTML] Empathy

K Stueber - 2008 -
The concept of empathy is used to refer to a wide range of psychological capacities that are
thought of as being central for constituting humans as social creatures allowing us to know …