C. elegans outside the Petri dish

L Frézal, MA Félix - elife, 2015 - elifesciences.org
The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans has risen to the status of a top model organism for
biological research in the last fifty years. Among laboratory animals, this tiny nematode is …

[HTML][HTML] History of research on C. elegans and other free-living nematodes as model organisms

VM Nigon, MA Félix - WormBook: The Online Review of C. elegans …, 2018 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is now a major model organism in biology. The
choice of Sydney Brenner to adopt this species in the mid-1960s and the success of his …

Comparative genomics of 10 new Caenorhabditis species

L Stevens, MA Félix, T Beltran, C Braendle… - Evolution …, 2019 - academic.oup.com
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been central to the understanding of metazoan
biology. However, C. elegans is but one species among millions and the significance of this …

Reproductive transitions in plants and animals: selfing syndrome, sexual selection and speciation

AD Cutter - New Phytologist, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The evolution of predominant self‐fertilisation frequently coincides with the evolution of a
collection of phenotypes that comprise the 'selfing syndrome', in both plants and animals …

Genomic diversity landscapes in outcrossing and selfing Caenorhabditis nematodes

AA Teterina, JH Willis, M Lukac, R Jovelin… - PLoS …, 2023 - journals.plos.org
Caenorhabditis nematodes form an excellent model for studying how the mode of
reproduction affects genetic diversity, as some species reproduce via outcrossing whereas …

Control of mosquito-borne infectious diseases: sex and gene drive

ZN Adelman, Z Tu - Trends in parasitology, 2016 - cell.com
Sterile male releases have successfully reduced local populations of the dengue vector,
Aedes aegypti, but challenges remain in scale and in separating sexes before release. The …

From “the worm” to “the worms” and back again: the evolutionary developmental biology of nematodes

ES Haag, DHA Fitch, M Delattre - Genetics, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Biologists have long appreciated natural variation in the nematode phylum. The
development of Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism has provided a rich set of …

Sex or cannibalism: Polyphenism and kin recognition control social action strategies in nematodes

JW Lightfoot, M Dardiry, A Kalirad, S Giaimo… - Science …, 2021 - science.org
Resource polyphenisms, where single genotypes produce alternative feeding strategies in
response to changing environments, are thought to be facilitators of evolutionary novelty …

Reprogramming the topology of the nociceptive circuit in C. elegans reshapes sexual behavior

V Pechuk, G Goldman, Y Salzberg, AH Chaubey… - Current biology, 2022 - cell.com
The effect of the detailed connectivity of a neural circuit on its function and the resulting
behavior of the organism is a key question in many neural systems. Here, we study the …

GUY1 confers complete female lethality and is a strong candidate for a male-determining factor in Anopheles stephensi

F Criscione, Y Qi, Z Tu - Elife, 2016 - elifesciences.org
Despite their importance in sexual differentiation and reproduction, Y chromosome genes
are rarely described because they reside in repeat-rich regions that are difficult to study …