Multilingual XML-Based named entity recognition for e-retail domains
We describe the multilingual Named Entity Recognition and Classification (NERC) subpart
of an e-retail product comparison system which is currently under development as part of the …
of an e-retail product comparison system which is currently under development as part of the …
[PDF][PDF] Named entity recognition in Greek web pages
D Farmakiotou, V Karkaletsis, G Samaritakis… - … Companion Volume of …, 2002 - Citeseer
We describe the functionalities of the Hellenic Named Entity Recognition and Classification
(HNERC) system developed in the context of the CROSSMARC project. CROSSMARC is …
(HNERC) system developed in the context of the CROSSMARC project. CROSSMARC is …
[PDF][PDF] Demonstration of the CROSSMARC System
The EC-funded R&D project, CROSSMARC, is develo** technology for extracting
information from domainspecific web pages, employing language technology methods as …
information from domainspecific web pages, employing language technology methods as …
MT Pazienza, A Stellato, FM Zanzotto - academia.edu
European countries as well as those in the Mediterranean area search for maintaining both
language and national culture in order to continue to have an independent role in the …
language and national culture in order to continue to have an independent role in the …
[PDF][PDF] Multi-lingual XML-Based Named Entity Recognition in Web Pages
C Grover, DN Gearailt, V Karkaletsis, D Farmakiotou… - homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk
We describe the multi-lingual Named Entity Recognition and Classification (NERC) subpart
of an information extraction system, which is currently under development as part of the EU …
of an information extraction system, which is currently under development as part of the EU …
[PDF][PDF] Computer Research
A Bia, S Vélez, M Sánchez-Quero… - … de Nuevas Tecnologías …, 2001 - cervantesvirtual.com
La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes1 es probablemente el proyecto de biblioteca
digital de lenguas hispanas con el mayor número de libros en lınea en la actualidad. Casi …
digital de lenguas hispanas con el mayor número de libros en lınea en la actualidad. Casi …
[Цитат][C] Information extraction and.. surroundings
MT Pazienza - Text Mining and its Applications to Intelligence, CRM …, 2005
[Цитат][C] Design and exploitation of a markup strategy in a digital library
AG Bia, R Carrasco - 2001 - Documento no publicado …
[Цитат][C] Cross-lingual Information Extraction from Web Pages
[Цитат][C] grover@ cogsci. ed. ac. uk, donnlan@ cogsci. ed. ac. uk
V Karkaletsis, D Farmakiotou, MT Pazienza, M Vindigni