Loss of terrestrial biodiversity in Australia: magnitude, causation, and response

S Legge, L Rumpff, ST Garnett, JCZ Woinarski - Science, 2023 - science.org
Australia's biota is species rich, with high rates of endemism. This natural legacy has rapidly
diminished since European colonization. The impacts of invasive species, habitat loss …

[PDF][PDF] Australia state of the environment 2021: overview, independent report to the Australian Government Minister for the Environment, Commonwealth of Australia …

ID Cresswell, T Janke, EL Johnston - Australia State of the …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Australia for use under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence with the
exception of the Coat of Arms of the Commonwealth of Australia, the logo of the agency …

Rapid assessment of the biodiversity impacts of the 2019–2020 Australian megafires to guide urgent management intervention and recovery and lessons for other …

S Legge, JCZ Woinarski, BC Scheele… - Diversity and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Aim The incidence of major fires is increasing globally, creating extraordinary challenges for
governments, managers and conservation scientists. In 2019–2020, Australia experienced …

[HTML][HTML] Australia's most imperilled vertebrates

ST Garnett, BK Hayward-Brown, RK Kopf… - Biological …, 2022 - Elsevier
The likelihood of extinction within the next 20 years was determined for 47 Australian
mammal, bird, reptile, frog and freshwater fish taxa previously identified as being highly …

Butterflies on the brink: identifying the Australian butterflies (Lepidoptera) most at risk of extinction

HM Geyle, MF Braby, M Andren, EP Beaver… - Austral …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The diversity and abundance of native invertebrates is declining globally, which could have
significant consequences for ecosystem functioning. Declines are likely to be at least as …

Done but not dusted: Reflections on the first global reptile assessment and priorities for the second

S Meiri, DG Chapple, KA Tolley, N Mitchell… - Biological …, 2023 - Elsevier
The IUCN recently coordinated the first assessment of extinction risk of the world's reptile
species. This monumental undertaking allows, for the first time, an examination of threats …

A demographic framework for understanding fire‐driven reptile declines in the 'land of the lizards'

JL Santos, H Sitters, DA Keith, WL Geary… - Global Ecology and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Background Fire creates habitats for many animals but changes in fire activity threaten
species worldwide. While conservation assessments routinely identify fire as a threat to …

A national‐scale dataset for threats impacting Australia's imperiled flora and fauna

M Ward, J Carwardine, CJ Yong… - Ecology and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Australia is in the midst of an extinction crisis, having already lost 10% of terrestrial mammal
fauna since European settlement and with hundreds of other species at high risk of …

Red hot frogs: identifying the Australian frogs most at risk of extinction

HM Geyle, CJ Hoskin, DS Bower… - Pacific Conservation …, 2021 - CSIRO Publishing
More than a third of the world's amphibian species are listed as Threatened or Extinct, with a
recent assessment identifying 45 Australian frogs (18.4% of the currently recognised …

The lost lizards of Christmas Island: A retrospective assessment of factors driving the collapse of a native reptile community

JP Emery, NJ Mitchell, H Cogger… - … Science and Practice, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Until recently, the reptile fauna of Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean comprised five
endemic species (two skinks, two geckos, and one snake) and one native, non‐endemic …