Electrodialysis for water desalination: A critical assessment of recent developments on process fundamentals, models and applications
The need for unconventional sources of fresh water is pushing a fast development of
desalination technologies, which proved to be able to face and solve the problem of water …
desalination technologies, which proved to be able to face and solve the problem of water …
A review on ion-exchange nanofiber membranes: properties, structure and application in electrochemical (waste) water treatment
B Swanckaert, J Geltmeyer, K Rabaey… - Separation and …, 2022 - Elsevier
In view of today's challenges in clean water depletion and wastewater management,
electrochemical water treatment processes are increasingly applied for eg desalination of …
electrochemical water treatment processes are increasingly applied for eg desalination of …
Mixed matrix proton exchange membranes for fuel cells: State of the art and perspectives
Proton-conducting mixed matrix membranes (PC-MMMs) have received considerable
interest as promising materials that combine the properties of, and create synergism from …
interest as promising materials that combine the properties of, and create synergism from …
Potential ion exchange membranes and system performance in reverse electrodialysis for power generation: A review
Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is an emerging membrane-based energy conversion process
used to extract electricity by mixing two water streams of different salinities. This technique …
used to extract electricity by mixing two water streams of different salinities. This technique …
Ion exchange membranes: State of their development and perspective
T Xu - Journal of membrane science, 2005 - Elsevier
During the last 50 years, ion exchange membranes have evolved from a laboratory tool to
industrial products with significant technical and commercial impact. Today ion exchange …
industrial products with significant technical and commercial impact. Today ion exchange …
Organic–inorganic nanocomposite polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cell applications
Organic–inorganic nanocomposite polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) contains nano-
sized inorganic building blocks in organic polymer by molecular level of hybridization. This …
sized inorganic building blocks in organic polymer by molecular level of hybridization. This …
A review on recent developments of anion exchange membranes for fuel cells and redox flow batteries
Cation exchange membranes (CEMs) have attracted tremendous attention in
electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems owing to their high proton …
electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems owing to their high proton …
Recent developments on ion-exchange membranes and electro-membrane processes
Rapid growth of chemical and biotechnology in diversified areas fuels the demand for the
need of reliable green technologies for the down stream processes, which include …
need of reliable green technologies for the down stream processes, which include …
Boehmite nanoparticles as a new nanofiller for preparation of antifouling mixed matrix membranes
The influences of boehmite nanoparticles as innovative nanofiller on fabrication of
polyethersulfone (PES) blended membranes were investigated in terms of hydrophilicity …
polyethersulfone (PES) blended membranes were investigated in terms of hydrophilicity …
Triconstituent co-assembly to ordered mesostructured polymer− silica and carbon− silica nanocomposites and large-pore mesoporous carbons with high surface …
R Liu, Y Shi, Y Wan, Y Meng, F Zhang… - Journal of the …, 2006 - ACS Publications
Highly ordered mesoporous polymer− silica and carbon− silica nanocomposites with
interpenetrating networks have been successfully synthesized by the evaporation-induced …
interpenetrating networks have been successfully synthesized by the evaporation-induced …