[HTML][HTML] A review on solid oxide fuel cell durability: Latest progress, mechanisms, and study tools
The commercial breakthrough of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) is still hampered by
degradation related issues. Most SOFCs that perform well do not possess good stability. To …
degradation related issues. Most SOFCs that perform well do not possess good stability. To …
Solid oxide electrolysis cells–current material development and industrial application
Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOECs) have proven to be a highly efficient key technology
for producing valuable chemicals and fuels from renewably generated electricity at …
for producing valuable chemicals and fuels from renewably generated electricity at …
Metallic interconnects for solid oxide fuel cell: A review on protective coating and deposition techniques
With the reduction of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operating temperature to the range of
600° C–800° C, metallic alloy with high oxidation resistance are used to replace traditional …
600° C–800° C, metallic alloy with high oxidation resistance are used to replace traditional …
A review of recent progress in coatings, surface modifications and alloy developments for solid oxide fuel cell ferritic stainless steel interconnects
N Shaigan, W Qu, DG Ivey, W Chen - Journal of Power Sources, 2010 - Elsevier
Ferritic stainless steels have become the standard material for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
interconnect applications. The use of commercially available ferritic stainless steels, not …
interconnect applications. The use of commercially available ferritic stainless steels, not …
[HTML][HTML] A brief description of high temperature solid oxide fuel cell's operation, materials, design, fabrication technologies and performance
Today's world needs highly efficient systems that can fulfill the growing demand for energy.
One of the promising solutions is the fuel cell. Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is considered by …
One of the promising solutions is the fuel cell. Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is considered by …
Recent development of SOFC metallic interconnect
Interest in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) stems from their higher efficiencies and lower levels
of emitted pollutants, compared to traditional power production methods. Interconnects are a …
of emitted pollutants, compared to traditional power production methods. Interconnects are a …
Proton-conducting ceramic fuel cells: Scale up and stack integration
We present our efforts to scale up proton-conducting ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) from the
button-cell level into small, multi-cell stacks. While recent advancements with lab-scale …
button-cell level into small, multi-cell stacks. While recent advancements with lab-scale …
[HTML][HTML] 11–23% Cr steels for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect applications at 800 C–How the coating determines oxidation kinetics
The present work investigates the low-cost steels AISI 441, AISI 430, and AISI 444 against
the tailor-made high Cr steel Crofer 22 APU (22.9 wt% Cr) at 800° C in simulated solid oxide …
the tailor-made high Cr steel Crofer 22 APU (22.9 wt% Cr) at 800° C in simulated solid oxide …
Influence of alloy addition and spinel coatings on Cr-based metallic interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells
MA Hassan, OB Mamat, M Mehdi - International Journal of Hydrogen …, 2020 - Elsevier
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is the modern eco-friendly technology of fuel cell power
generation system. It generates electricity from a redox chemical reaction without producing …
generation system. It generates electricity from a redox chemical reaction without producing …
(Mn, Co) 3O4-based spinels for SOFC interconnect coating application
With the reduction of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) operating temperature to the range of 600
C–800 C, Cr-containing ferritic alloys have become the preferred interconnect material …
C–800 C, Cr-containing ferritic alloys have become the preferred interconnect material …