Neural processing of amplitude-modulated sounds

PX Joris, CE Schreiner, A Rees - Physiological reviews, 2004 -
Joris, PX, CE Schreiner, and A. Rees. Neural Processing of Amplitude-Modulated Sounds.
Physiol Rev 84: 541–577, 2004; 10.1152/physrev. 00029.2003.—Amplitude modulation …

TA Babola, S Li, A Gribizis, BJ Lee, JB Issa, HC Wang… - Neuron, 2018 -

Neurons in the develo** auditory system exhibit spontaneous bursts of activity before
hearing onset. How this intrinsically generated activity influences development remains …

Distribution of descending projections from primary auditory neocortex to inferior colliculus mimics the topography of intracollicular projections

E Saldaña, M Feliciano… - Journal of Comparative …, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
To ascertain whether the auditory neocortex also innervates the central nucleus of the
inferior colliculus (CNIC) and not only its dorsal (DCIC) and external (ECIC) cortices, the …

Intrinsic and commissural connections of the rat inferior colliculus

E Saldaña, MA Merchań - Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
This study analyzes the distribution of the intrinsic and commissural fiber plexuses
originating in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus in the rat. The anterograde tracer …

Auditory system

MS Malmierca - The rat nervous system, 2015 - Elsevier
Sequencing of the rat genome has allowed a better understanding of the rat physiology and
biology, in turn promising to translate into a better understanding of human biology and …

The inferior colliculus: a hub for the central auditory system

JH Casseday, T Fremouw, E Covey - Integrative functions in the …, 2002 - Springer
The inferior colliculus (IC)(Fig. 7.1) occupies a strategic position in the central auditory
system. Evidence reviewed in this chapter indicates that it is an interface between lower …

Neuronal organization in the inferior colliculus

DL Oliver - The inferior colliculus, 2005 - Springer
An understanding of the neuronal organization of the inferior colliculus (IC) requires an
exploration of how the types of neurons, the microcircuitry, and the synaptic organization of …