The impact of parental income and education on the schooling of their children
We investigate the relationship between early school-leaving and parental education and
paternal income using UK Labour Force Survey data. OLS estimation reveals modest effects …
paternal income using UK Labour Force Survey data. OLS estimation reveals modest effects …
Factors influencing the academic achievement of the Turkish urban poor
C Engin-Demir - International Journal of Educational Development, 2009 - Elsevier
This study estimates the individual and combined effects of selected family, student and
school characteristics on the academic achievement of poor, urban primary-school students …
school characteristics on the academic achievement of poor, urban primary-school students …
[KNJIGA][B] Parental education and child's education: A natural experiment
A Chevalier - 2004 -
The extent by which children's choices depend on their parents' characteristics is a long
debated issue in social sciences. More importantly, the mechanism of the observed …
debated issue in social sciences. More importantly, the mechanism of the observed …
Socioeconomic gaps in science achievement
Background In contrast to the extensive research on socioeconomic gaps in reading and
math achievement, little attention has been given to socioeconomic disparities in science …
math achievement, little attention has been given to socioeconomic disparities in science …
[PDF][PDF] Hábitos y actitudes de las familias hacia la lectura y competencias básicas del alumnado Family habits and attitudes towards reading and students' basic …
JG Flores - Revista de educación, 2009 -
El trabajo presentado se circunscribe al ámbito de las relaciones entre el contexto familiar y
el rendimiento escolar, focalizando la atención sobre el alumnado de quinto curso de …
el rendimiento escolar, focalizando la atención sobre el alumnado de quinto curso de …
Do inequalities in parents' education play an important role in PISA students' mathematics achievement test score disparities?
This paper measures and decomposes socioeconomic-related inequality in mathematics
achievement in 15 European Union member states. Data is taken from the 2003 wave of the …
achievement in 15 European Union member states. Data is taken from the 2003 wave of the …
[KNJIGA][B] Education, social background and cognitive ability: The decline of the social
GN Marks - 2013 -
Are socioeconomic inequalities in education declining? Is socioeconomic background
becoming less important for people's occupational class or status? How important is …
becoming less important for people's occupational class or status? How important is …
Matematikte öğrenci başarısını etkileyen faktörler
Bu çalışmada ilköğretim 6? 7? 8 sınıflardaki öğrencilerin matematik başarılarını etkileyen
faktörler araştırılmıştır Bu amaçla okul türü ailenin gelir düzeyi öğrencinin ders çalışma …
faktörler araştırılmıştır Bu amaçla okul türü ailenin gelir düzeyi öğrencinin ders çalışma …
Revisiting free school meal eligibility as a proxy for pupil socio‐economic deprivation
Whether someone has ever had free school meal (FSM) eligibility over a six‐year period is
the measure of socio‐economic disadvantage currently used in the English school system. It …
the measure of socio‐economic disadvantage currently used in the English school system. It …
[PDF][PDF] Determination of the stress experienced by nursing students' during nursing education
Objective: This study was carried out to determine of the stress experienced by nursing
students' during nursing education. Methodology: The study was conducted a descriptive …
students' during nursing education. Methodology: The study was conducted a descriptive …