[PDF][PDF] The Ontolex-Lemon model: development and applications

JP McCrae, J Bosque-Gil, J Gracia… - Proceedings of eLex …, 2017 - john.mccr.ae
The lemon model has become the primary mechanism for the representation of lexical data
on the Semantic Web. The lemon model has been further developed in the context of the …

Qabas: An Open-Source Arabic Lexicographic Database

M Jarrar, T Hammouda - arxiv preprint arxiv:2406.06598, 2024 - arxiv.org
We present Qabas, a novel open-source Arabic lexicon designed for NLP applications. The
novelty of Qabas lies in its synthesis of 110 lexicons. Specifically, Qabas lexical entries …

An arabic-multilingual database with a lexicographic search engine

M Jarrar, H Amayreh - … : 24th International Conference on Applications of …, 2019 - Springer
We present a lexicographic search engine built on top of the largest Arabic multilingual
database, allowing people to search and retrieve translations, synonyms, definitions, and …

LexO: an open-source system for managing OntoLex-Lemon resources

A Bellandi - Language Resources and Evaluation, 2021 - Springer
Abstract The adoption of Semantic Web technologies and the Linked Data paradigm has
been driven by the need to ensure the construction of resources that are at the same time …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a Module for Lexicography in OntoLex.

J Bosque-Gil, J Gracia, E Montiel-Ponsoda - LDK Workshops, 2017 - lexicala.com
Over the past few years, more and more efforts are being devoted towards the conversion of
dictionaries into Linguistic Linked Data (LLD), based on Lemon (McCrae et al., 2012) and its …

[PDF][PDF] Representing Arabic Lexicons in Lemon-a Preliminary Study.

M Jarrar, H Amayreh, JP McCrae - LDK (Posters), 2019 - john.mccr.ae
We present our progress in representing 150 Arabic multilingual lexicons using Lemon,
which we have been digitizing from scratch. These lexicons are available through a …

Scanning is Just the Beginning: Exploiting Text and Language Technologies to Enhance the Value of Historical Manuscripts

AM Del Grosso, A Bellandi… - 2018 IEEE 5th …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper we present a digital process for the explicitation of the textual, linguistic and
semantic content of historical manuscripts. The proposed workflow is composed of a …

Development of Word Root-Based Digital Dictionary for Shorof Mastery

MZA Rahimadinullah, M Ahsanuddin… - Izdihar: Journal of …, 2022 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
The goal of this research was to explain how to develop a word root-based digital dictionary
for shorof mastery to make it easier for language learners in recognizing word root and …

Modelling lexical resources as linked data

P Cimiano, C Chiarcos, JP McCrae, J Gracia… - Linguistic Linked Data …, 2020 - Springer
This chapter introduces the Lexicon Model for Ontologies (lemon) as defined by the Ontolex
W3C community group. The model was originally developed to enrich ontologies with lexical …

Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Hadis

S Sudi - HADIS, 2024 - hadis.uis.edu.my
Revolusi Industri 4.0 berkait rapat dengan kemajuan teknologi digital. bidang pendidikan
dan penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan yang turut menyaksikan pelbagai inovasi dan kemajuan …