[PDF][PDF] Foreign language learning in-tandem: Theoretical principles and research perspectives
ML Vassallo, JA Telles - The especialist, 2006 - revistas.pucsp.br
Foreign language learning in-tandem involves pairs of (native or competent) speakers
whose aim is to learn each other's language by means of bilingual conversation sessions. It …
whose aim is to learn each other's language by means of bilingual conversation sessions. It …
User experience in collaborative extended reality: overview study
Abstract Recent trends in Extended Reality technologies, including Virtual Reality and Mixed
Reality, indicate that the future infrastructure will be distributed and collaborative, where end …
Reality, indicate that the future infrastructure will be distributed and collaborative, where end …
Factors affecting the way students collaborate in a wiki for English language learning
V Zorko - Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2009 - ajet.org.au
Wikis are believed to be a powerful tool assisting the development of constructivist learning
environments, as their very nature supports collaboration. However, not much research has …
environments, as their very nature supports collaboration. However, not much research has …
Aprendizaje cooperativo online a través de foros en un contexto universitario: un análisis del discurso y de las redes
R Tirado-Morueta, JI Aguaded-Gómez… - 2011 - dadun.unav.edu
La investigación que presentamos en este artículo es el resultado de un proyecto de
innovación docente, realizado a través del campus virtual de la Universidad de Huelva, en …
innovación docente, realizado a través del campus virtual de la Universidad de Huelva, en …
[KNYGA][B] Innovation in Product/Process Development
M Sorli, D Stokic - 2009 - Springer
Innovation is currently understood as one of the most critical factors for success in
manufacturing firms. How to achieve real innovation in very demanding industrial …
manufacturing firms. How to achieve real innovation in very demanding industrial …
Operationalizing macro-scripts in CSCL technological settings
P Tchounikine - … Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2008 - Springer
This paper presents a conceptual analysis of the technological dimensions related to the
operationalization of CSCL macro-scripts. CSCL scripts are activity models that aim at …
operationalization of CSCL macro-scripts. CSCL scripts are activity models that aim at …
[KNYGA][B] Action Based Collaboration Analysis for Group Learning
M Mühlenbrock - 2001 - books.google.com
Shared-workspace systems with structured graphical representations allow for the free user
interaction and the joint construction of problem solutions for potentially open-ended tasks …
interaction and the joint construction of problem solutions for potentially open-ended tasks …
Using learning analytics to understand and support collaborative learning
M Saqr - 2018 - diva-portal.org
Learning analytics (LA) is a rapidly evolving research discipline that uses insights generated
from data analysis to support learners and optimize both the learning process and learning …
from data analysis to support learners and optimize both the learning process and learning …
Instructional discussions in online education: Practical and research-oriented perspectives
DJ Winiecki - Handbook of distance education, 2003 - books.google.com
It can be argued that discussion is one of the oldest forms of instruction (Gall & Gall, 1990;
Larson, 2000). Online education through asynchronous learning networks (ALNs) provides …
Larson, 2000). Online education through asynchronous learning networks (ALNs) provides …
Simulating pedagogical agents in a virtual learning environment
S Jondahl, A Mørch - Computer Support for Collaborative Learning, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
CoPAS (Collaboration Patterns Agent Simulation) is a simulation study carried out with the
Wizard of Oz method. Students used a groupware system to solve a learning task in the …
Wizard of Oz method. Students used a groupware system to solve a learning task in the …