Waqf literacy: The dynamics of waqf in Indonesia

AL Nugraha, A Susilo, M Huda… - Journal of Islamic …, 2022 - ejournal.upnvj.ac.id
In the history of Islamic civilization, waqf has been a pillar of the glory of Islam. The function
of waqf is as a provider of public facilities and social facilities that support the life of the …

Penanaman nilai-nilai ibadah di madrasah ibtidaiyah dalam membentuk karakter religius

HK Astuti - MUMTAZ: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2022 - ejournal.iaiibrahimy.ac.id
Nilai-nilai ibadah sangat penting ditanamkan khususnya pada anak usia Sekolah Dasar
atau Madrasah. Terlebih dengan pesatnya perkembangan dunia digital saat ini, Madrasah …

Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Menanamkan Nilai-nilai Ibadah di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma'arif Polorejo Babadan Ponorogo

HK Astuti - MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2022 - jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id
The values of worship as a form of fostering Islamic religious education in Madrasahs are an
effort to create quality human resources, so that they are able to compete in the era of …

Generation Z perceptions in paying Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah using Fintech: A comparative study of Indonesia and Malaysia

A Alam, RT Ratnasari, C Mua'awanah… - Investment …, 2022 - repository.unair.ac.id
Generation Z is the future generation with technology familiarity and is a trendsetter in
financial technology. This study aimed to compare (similarities and differences) perceptions …

Peran Perguruan Tinggi Pesantren dalam Implementasi Literasi Ekonomi

A Susilo - This study aims to determine the role of Islamic …, 2021 - repo.unida.gontor.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran universitas pesantren dalam penerapan
literasi ekonomi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Objek …


S Al-Ayubi, N Shalehanti… - Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi …, 2022 - jurnalfai-uikabogor.org
This research aims to explain the concept and practice of zakat and waqf in the Book of
Mir'at al Thullab. This research uses a formal literature study method in explaining the …

Peningkatan Kemajuan Pendidikan Melalui Ekonomi Syariah Berbasis Wakaf dan Zakat

N Rohmatillah - DIMENSI-Journal of Sociology, 2023 - journal.trunojoyo.ac.id
This article aims to explore the potential of Sharia-based economy through waqf and zakat
in advancing education. The Sharia-based economy emphasizes Islamic values, particularly …

The Relationship between Islamic Business Ethics and Customer Retention: Evidence from Sharia Bank in Ponorogo

A Susilo, SMR Putra, S Arief… - El Barka: Journal of …, 2023 - jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id
Customer loyalty would lead to customer retention which in turn would lead to company
profit. Sadly, the lack of customer awareness on sharia bank led them to the conclusion that …

Pemberdayaan Wakaf Produktif Sebagai Instrumen untuk Kesejahteraan Umat

HK Astuti - 2022 - osf.io
Artikel ini membahas pentingnya pemberdayaan ekonomi umat Islam Indonesia melalui
wakaf produktif. Wakaf, selama ini dipahami oleh masyarakat sebatas memberikan harta …

[PDF][PDF] Waqf literacy of generation Z in Indonesia

RM Napitupulu, HH Harahap… - Review of Islamic …, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Purpose-Indonesian people are recorded to have a low waqf literacy index still. In 32
provinces surveyed by the central National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) and the Indonesian …