Waqf literacy: The dynamics of waqf in Indonesia
In the history of Islamic civilization, waqf has been a pillar of the glory of Islam. The function
of waqf is as a provider of public facilities and social facilities that support the life of the …
of waqf is as a provider of public facilities and social facilities that support the life of the …
Penanaman nilai-nilai ibadah di madrasah ibtidaiyah dalam membentuk karakter religius
HK Astuti - MUMTAZ: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2022 - ejournal.iaiibrahimy.ac.id
Nilai-nilai ibadah sangat penting ditanamkan khususnya pada anak usia Sekolah Dasar
atau Madrasah. Terlebih dengan pesatnya perkembangan dunia digital saat ini, Madrasah …
atau Madrasah. Terlebih dengan pesatnya perkembangan dunia digital saat ini, Madrasah …
Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Menanamkan Nilai-nilai Ibadah di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ma'arif Polorejo Babadan Ponorogo
HK Astuti - MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2022 - jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id
The values of worship as a form of fostering Islamic religious education in Madrasahs are an
effort to create quality human resources, so that they are able to compete in the era of …
effort to create quality human resources, so that they are able to compete in the era of …
Generation Z perceptions in paying Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah using Fintech: A comparative study of Indonesia and Malaysia
Generation Z is the future generation with technology familiarity and is a trendsetter in
financial technology. This study aimed to compare (similarities and differences) perceptions …
financial technology. This study aimed to compare (similarities and differences) perceptions …
Peran Perguruan Tinggi Pesantren dalam Implementasi Literasi Ekonomi
A Susilo - This study aims to determine the role of Islamic …, 2021 - repo.unida.gontor.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran universitas pesantren dalam penerapan
literasi ekonomi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Objek …
literasi ekonomi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Objek …
S Al-Ayubi, N Shalehanti… - Al-Infaq: Jurnal Ekonomi …, 2022 - jurnalfai-uikabogor.org
This research aims to explain the concept and practice of zakat and waqf in the Book of
Mir'at al Thullab. This research uses a formal literature study method in explaining the …
Mir'at al Thullab. This research uses a formal literature study method in explaining the …
Peningkatan Kemajuan Pendidikan Melalui Ekonomi Syariah Berbasis Wakaf dan Zakat
N Rohmatillah - DIMENSI-Journal of Sociology, 2023 - journal.trunojoyo.ac.id
This article aims to explore the potential of Sharia-based economy through waqf and zakat
in advancing education. The Sharia-based economy emphasizes Islamic values, particularly …
in advancing education. The Sharia-based economy emphasizes Islamic values, particularly …
The Relationship between Islamic Business Ethics and Customer Retention: Evidence from Sharia Bank in Ponorogo
Customer loyalty would lead to customer retention which in turn would lead to company
profit. Sadly, the lack of customer awareness on sharia bank led them to the conclusion that …
profit. Sadly, the lack of customer awareness on sharia bank led them to the conclusion that …
Pemberdayaan Wakaf Produktif Sebagai Instrumen untuk Kesejahteraan Umat
HK Astuti - 2022 - osf.io
Artikel ini membahas pentingnya pemberdayaan ekonomi umat Islam Indonesia melalui
wakaf produktif. Wakaf, selama ini dipahami oleh masyarakat sebatas memberikan harta …
wakaf produktif. Wakaf, selama ini dipahami oleh masyarakat sebatas memberikan harta …
[PDF][PDF] Waqf literacy of generation Z in Indonesia
RM Napitupulu, HH Harahap… - Review of Islamic …, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Purpose-Indonesian people are recorded to have a low waqf literacy index still. In 32
provinces surveyed by the central National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) and the Indonesian …
provinces surveyed by the central National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) and the Indonesian …