[HTML][HTML] String cosmology: From the early universe to today
M Cicoli, JP Conlon, A Maharana, S Parameswaran… - Physics Reports, 2024 - Elsevier
We review applications of string theory to cosmology, from primordial times to the present-
day accelerated expansion. Starting with a brief overview of cosmology and string …
day accelerated expansion. Starting with a brief overview of cosmology and string …
-attractor inflation: Models and predictions
S Bhattacharya, K Dutta, MR Gangopadhyay… - Physical Review D, 2023 - APS
The α-attractor models are some of the most interesting models of inflation from the point of
view of upcoming observations in cosmology and also attractive from the point of view of …
view of upcoming observations in cosmology and also attractive from the point of view of …
Fitting string inflation to real cosmological data: The fiber inflation case
In this paper we show how the string landscape can be constrained using observational
data. We illustrate this idea by focusing on fiber inflation which is a promising class of string …
data. We illustrate this idea by focusing on fiber inflation which is a promising class of string …
CMB constraints on natural inflation with gauge field production
K Alam, K Dutta, N Jaman - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
The natural inflation model with a periodic cosine potential is ruled out by recent Planck
2018 data for the decay constant f≲ 5.5 M Pl. If the Planck data is combined with the BICEP …
2018 data for the decay constant f≲ 5.5 M Pl. If the Planck data is combined with the BICEP …
Production of primordial black holes via single field inflation and observational constraints
In a class of single field models of inflation, the idea of primordial black holes (PBHs)
production is studied. In this case, the dynamics on small cosmological scales differs …
production is studied. In this case, the dynamics on small cosmological scales differs …
Detecting topological phase transitions through entanglement between disconnected partitions in a Kitaev chain with long-range interactions
We explore the behavior of the disconnected entanglement entropy (DEE) across the
topological phases of a long-range interacting Kitaev chain where the long-range …
topological phases of a long-range interacting Kitaev chain where the long-range …
Simulation of a topological phase transition in a Kitaev chain with long-range coupling using a superconducting circuit
We report an experimental work on simulating the Kitaev chain of one-dimensional p-wave
superconductivity with long-range coupling using superconducting quantum circuits. The …
superconductivity with long-range coupling using superconducting quantum circuits. The …
Variable inflaton equation-of-state and reheating
A Di Marco, G Pradisi - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2021 - World Scientific
We explore the consequences of a time-dependent inflaton equation-of-state (EoS)
parameter in the context of the post-inflationary perturbative Boltzmann reheating. In …
parameter in the context of the post-inflationary perturbative Boltzmann reheating. In …
Fiber inflation and precision CMB data
Generic features of models of inflation obtained from string compactifications are the
correlations between the model parameters and the postinflationary evolution of the …
correlations between the model parameters and the postinflationary evolution of the …
Energy density, temperature, and entropy dynamics in perturbative reheating
We discuss the perturbative decay of the energy density of a nonstandard inflaton field ρ ϕ
and the corresponding creation of the energy density of the relativistic fields ρ r at the end of …
and the corresponding creation of the energy density of the relativistic fields ρ r at the end of …