Quantum effects in the interaction of low-energy electrons with light
The interaction between free electrons and optical fields constitutes a unique platform to
investigate ultrafast processes in matter and explore fundamental quantum phenomena …
investigate ultrafast processes in matter and explore fundamental quantum phenomena …
Maximal quantum interaction between free electrons and photons
The emerging field of free-electron quantum optics enables electron-photon entanglement
and holds the potential for generating nontrivial photon states for quantum information …
and holds the potential for generating nontrivial photon states for quantum information …
High spatiotemporal resolution transmission electron microscopy and diffraction: Progress from subnanosecond laser-induced structural dynamics to femtosecond …
The use of short photoelectron pulses, pioneered in the 1980s, opened up the possibility of
studying structural dynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution. The combination of nano …
studying structural dynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution. The combination of nano …
Universal and ultrafast quantum computation based on free-electron-polariton blockade
Cavity QED, wherein a quantum emitter is coupled to electromagnetic cavity modes, is a
powerful platform for implementing quantum sensors, memories, and networks. However …
powerful platform for implementing quantum sensors, memories, and networks. However …
Elastomeric Cavity Opto‐Mechanics: Low‐Power Soliton Frequency Combs
An innovative, previously unexplored approach that leverages elastomeric membranes (EM)
to develop a highly deformable cavity optomechanical resonator is proposed. This resonator …
to develop a highly deformable cavity optomechanical resonator is proposed. This resonator …
π-Lone pair synergy in (C7H4NO4)(IO3): Optimal balance among SHG, birefringence, and bandgap performance
Birefringence and second harmonic generation (SHG) are important optical properties of
functional crystals. However, it is relatively rare for a compound to exhibit both enhanced …
functional crystals. However, it is relatively rare for a compound to exhibit both enhanced …
Free-electron resonance transition radiation via Brewster randomness
Free-electron radiation, such as Cherenkov radiation and transition radiation, can generate
light at arbitrary frequencies and is fundamental to diverse applications, ranging from …
light at arbitrary frequencies and is fundamental to diverse applications, ranging from …
Quantum eraser experiments for the demonstration of entanglement between swift electrons and light
We propose a tangible experimental scheme for demonstrating quantum entanglement
between swift electrons and light, relying on coherent cathodoluminescence for photon …
between swift electrons and light, relying on coherent cathodoluminescence for photon …
Photonic Quantum State Tomography Using Free Electrons
The tomography of photonic quantum states is key in quantum optics, impacting quantum
sensing, computing, and communication. Conventional detectors are limited in their …
sensing, computing, and communication. Conventional detectors are limited in their …
Probing electron-photon entanglement using a quantum eraser
We propose a tangible experimental scheme for demonstrating quantum entanglement
between swift electrons and light, relying on coherent cathodoluminescence for photon …
between swift electrons and light, relying on coherent cathodoluminescence for photon …