Integrating renewable sources into energy system for smart city as a sagacious strategy towards clean and sustainable process
AT Hoang, XP Nguyen - Journal of cleaner production, 2021 - Elsevier
Among the main components of a smart city, the energy system plays a vital and core role in
the transition towards a sustainable urban life. Furthermore, the utilization of renewable …
the transition towards a sustainable urban life. Furthermore, the utilization of renewable …
Smart technologies for promotion of energy efficiency, utilization of sustainable resources and waste management
The role of smart technologies can become very important and useful to solve the main
population issues nowadays and provide foundations for a sustainable future. A smart …
population issues nowadays and provide foundations for a sustainable future. A smart …
Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities, issues and challenges towards a smart and sustainable future
The rapid development and implementation of smart and IoT (Internet of Things) based
technologies have allowed for various possibilities in technological advancements for …
technologies have allowed for various possibilities in technological advancements for …
[HTML][HTML] Pathways toward high-efficiency solar photovoltaic thermal management for electrical, thermal and combined generation applications: A critical review
Photovoltaic (PV) panels convert a portion of the incident solar radiation into electrical
energy and the remaining energy (> 70%) is mostly converted into thermal energy. This …
energy and the remaining energy (> 70%) is mostly converted into thermal energy. This …
A hybrid system coupling spiral type solar photovoltaic thermal collector and electrocatalytic hydrogen production cell: Experimental investigation and numerical …
The sustainable cogeneration of hydrogen and electricity is one of the promising strategies
to boost the world's energy demand. This work introduces a detailed numerical modeling …
to boost the world's energy demand. This work introduces a detailed numerical modeling …
[HTML][HTML] Improving the thermal efficiency of a solar flat plate collector using MWCNT-Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluids and ensemble machine learning
The thermal performance of a flat plate solar collector using MWCNT+ Fe 3 O 4/Water hybrid
nanofluids was examined in this research. The flat plate solar collector was tested using …
nanofluids was examined in this research. The flat plate solar collector was tested using …
Life cycle energy, economic, and environmental analysis for the direct-expansion photovoltaic-thermal heat pump system in China
L Liu, W Liu, J Yao, T Jia, Y Zhao, Y Dai - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024 - Elsevier
The photovoltaic-thermal heat pump system, which integrates multiple energy technologies,
can meet the building's diverse energy needs. This study evaluates the energy, economic …
can meet the building's diverse energy needs. This study evaluates the energy, economic …
Using machine learning in photovoltaics to create smarter and cleaner energy generation systems: A comprehensive review
Photovoltaic (PV) technologies are expected to play an increasingly important role in future
energy production. In parallel, machine learning has gained prominence because of a …
energy production. In parallel, machine learning has gained prominence because of a …
Techno-economic design and evaluation of hybrid energy systems for residential communities: Case study of Jubail industrial city
A total of around 300 TWh of electricity was consumed in Saudi Arabia in the year 2018, a
per capita consumption of 9100 kWh. Almost all of this electricity is generated by non …
per capita consumption of 9100 kWh. Almost all of this electricity is generated by non …
[HTML][HTML] A review of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) technology for residential applications: performance indicators, progress, and opportunities
Solar energy has been one of the accessible and affordable renewable energy technologies
for the last few decades. Photovoltaics and solar thermal collectors are mature technologies …
for the last few decades. Photovoltaics and solar thermal collectors are mature technologies …