A Lego-brick approach to coding for network communication
Coding schemes for several problems in network information theory are constructed starting
from point-to-point channel codes that are designed for symmetric channels. Given that the …
from point-to-point channel codes that are designed for symmetric channels. Given that the …
On Rate-Splitting With Non-Unique Decoding in Multi-Cell Massive MIMO Systems
We consider the downlink of a multi-cell massive MIMO system suffering from asymptotic
rate saturation due to pilot contamination. As opposed to treating pilot contamination …
rate saturation due to pilot contamination. As opposed to treating pilot contamination …
A broadcast channel framework for joint communications and sensing-part ii: Superposition coding
The technology of joint communications and sensing (JCS) integrates both functions in the
same waveform and thus the same frequency band. It is expected to be a distinguishing …
same waveform and thus the same frequency band. It is expected to be a distinguishing …
Sliding-window Gelfand–Pinsker coding: General K-user broadcast channels
A low-complexity coding scheme, termed as sliding-window Gelfand–Pinsker coding, is
proposed. It is shown that in a general K-user broadcast channel, every rate point in the …
proposed. It is shown that in a general K-user broadcast channel, every rate point in the …
[PDF][PDF] Efficient globally optimal resource allocation in wireless interference networks
B Matthiesen - 2019 - core.ac.uk
Radio resource allocation in communication networks is essential to achieve optimal
performance and resource utilization. In modern interference networks the corresponding …
performance and resource utilization. In modern interference networks the corresponding …
Enhanced Sliding Window Superposition Coding for Industrial Automation
The introduction of 5G has changed the wireless communication industry. Whereas previous
generations of cellular technology are mainly based on communication for people, the …
generations of cellular technology are mainly based on communication for people, the …
Information theory for cellular wireless networks
Network information theory studies the fundamental limits on information flow in networks,
and optimal coding schemes, protocols, and architectures that achieve these limits. Although …
and optimal coding schemes, protocols, and architectures that achieve these limits. Although …
Optimal resource allocation for non-regenerative multiway relaying with rate splitting
Optimal resource allocation in interference networks requires the solution of non-convex
optimization problems. Except from treating interference as noise (IAN) one usually has to …
optimization problems. Except from treating interference as noise (IAN) one usually has to …
Performance of massive MIMO with interference decoding
M Shahrbaf Motlagh - 2021 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
In a massive MIMO system, base stations (BS) utilize a large number of antennas to
simultaneously serve several (single or multi-antenna) users at once, where the number of …
simultaneously serve several (single or multi-antenna) users at once, where the number of …
[PDF][PDF] An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Interference Management
KIM Young-Han - 2017 - eng.ucsd.edu
Two competing paradigms of interference management are introduced via a few recent
developments in network information theory. In the first “distributed network” paradigm, the …
developments in network information theory. In the first “distributed network” paradigm, the …