[HTML][HTML] Ancient wandering and permanent temporariness
E Isayev - Humanities, 2021 - mdpi.com
To move towards an understanding of displacement from within, and the forms of its
overcoming, the following chapter brings into dialogue the ancient experience of wandering …
overcoming, the following chapter brings into dialogue the ancient experience of wandering …
[CARTE][B] A history of early Christian creeds
W Kinzig - 2024 - degruyter.com
This work was to be written in the years 2014–16 when I was on a two-year sabbatical leave,
generously supported by the Volkswagen Foundation. However, when I set out to write it, I …
generously supported by the Volkswagen Foundation. However, when I set out to write it, I …
The Book of Torture: The Gospel of Mark, Crucifixion, and Trauma
L Menéndez-Antuña - Journal of the American Academy of …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Literary analysis of texts dealing with the experiences of tortured bodies faces numerous
riddles. For example, the urge to be faithful to the victims' experience hits a wall because of …
riddles. For example, the urge to be faithful to the victims' experience hits a wall because of …
When a man is an island: introductory remarks on being alone in antiquity
R Matuszewski - Being Alone in Antiquity: Greco-Roman Ideas and …, 2021 - degruyter.com
Thermouthion was no friend of solitude. Nor was she enthusiastic about the prospect of
being an older woman on her own. While still in the prime of life, she acted with prescient …
being an older woman on her own. While still in the prime of life, she acted with prescient …
[CARTE][B] Death of the Desert: Monastic Memory and the Loss of Egypt's Golden Age
CL Marquis - 2022 - books.google.com
In the late fourth century, the world of Christianity was torn apart by debate over the
teachings of the third-century theologian Origen and his positions on the incorporeality of …
teachings of the third-century theologian Origen and his positions on the incorporeality of …
Dhimmī Bishops in a Muslim Polity: Endurance and Adaptation of Syriac Episcopal Leadership in the Umayyad and Early Abbasid Periods
M Mazzola - Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 2024 - journals.uchicago.edu
As the population of the Byzantine Empire became progressively Christian, bishops rose to
prominence in society. Bishops' religious authority over their flocks translated into an ever …
prominence in society. Bishops' religious authority over their flocks translated into an ever …
[CARTE][B] The Shepherd of Hermas as Scriptura Non Grata: From Popularity in Early Christianity to Exclusion from the New Testament Canon
RD Heaton - 2023 - books.google.com
Composed within the first Christian century by a Roman named Hermas, the Shepherd
remains a mysterious and underestimated book to scholars and laypeople alike. Robert D …
remains a mysterious and underestimated book to scholars and laypeople alike. Robert D …
The Subject Vanishes: Jews, Heretics, and Martyrs after the Linguistic Turn
P Fredriksen - Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2024 - muse.jhu.edu
The “linguistic turn” in early Christian studies, a signal contribution of the work of Elizabeth A.
Clark, has raised scholarly awareness of the degree to which terms previously thought to …
Clark, has raised scholarly awareness of the degree to which terms previously thought to …
“Lest the Faithful Doubt or the Heretics Mock”: Patriarchs, Caliphs and Implementing Excommunication in the Jacobite Church c. 650–850
P Wood - Al-Masāq, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This article considers the role of the Muslim authorities in enforcing Christian
excommunication. After setting out late Roman precedents for the use of excommunication, it …
excommunication. After setting out late Roman precedents for the use of excommunication, it …
Space and place 1: Late antique churches and place remaking
R Sweetman - Lived Spaces in Late Antiquity, 2024 - taylorfrancis.com
The transformation of the religious landscape from polytheistic to monotheistic took place
over a period of around 300 years. Understandably, some of this transformation was …
over a period of around 300 years. Understandably, some of this transformation was …