The schooled society: The educational transformation of global culture
Only 150 years ago, the majority of the world's population was largely illiterate. Today, not
only do most people over fifteen have basic reading and writing skills, but 20 percent of the …
only do most people over fifteen have basic reading and writing skills, but 20 percent of the …
Technology and child development: Evidence from the one laptop per child program
This paper presents results from a large-scale randomized evaluation of the One Laptop per
Child program, using data collected after 15 months of implementation in 318 primary …
Child program, using data collected after 15 months of implementation in 318 primary …
Instructional alignment as a measure of teaching quality
Recent years have seen the convergence of two major policy streams in US K–12
education: standards/accountability and teacher quality reforms. Work in these areas has led …
education: standards/accountability and teacher quality reforms. Work in these areas has led …
Learning more with every year: School year productivity and international learning divergence
I use unique child-level panel data from Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam, four develo**
countries with widely differing levels of student achievement, to study the extent to which …
countries with widely differing levels of student achievement, to study the extent to which …
Situational interest, cognitive engagement, and achievement in physical education
Students' learning has been the center of schooling. This study examined the contribution of
situational interest motivation and cognitive engagement in workbooks to student …
situational interest motivation and cognitive engagement in workbooks to student …
Getting teachers back to the classroom. A systematic review on what works to improve teacher attendance in develo** countries
This article reports on a systematic review of research on the effectiveness of interventions
aimed at increasing teacher attendance in develo** countries. After a comprehensive …
aimed at increasing teacher attendance in develo** countries. After a comprehensive …
Instructional alignment under no child left behind
The alignment of instruction with the content of standards and assessments is the key
mediating variable separating the policy of standards-based reform (SBR) from the outcome …
mediating variable separating the policy of standards-based reform (SBR) from the outcome …
How teachers learn to maintain the cognitive demand of tasks through Lesson Study
Among the critical components related to the improvement of mathematics learning are the
design of high cognitive demand tasks and teachers' ability to maintain these cognitive …
design of high cognitive demand tasks and teachers' ability to maintain these cognitive …
[PDF][PDF] Non-routine problem solving tasks in primary school mathematics textbooks–a needle in a haystack
WR SOD\D FUXFLDO role in mathematics education. The significance of problem solving is …
WR SOD\D FUXFLDO role in mathematics education. The significance of problem solving is …
Teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and mathematics achievement of students in Peru
After improving enrolment rates significantly, many develo** countries such as Peru are
facing the challenge to increase learning levels among students. Over the past few years …
facing the challenge to increase learning levels among students. Over the past few years …