Study of genetic variation in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) using agro-morphological traits and ISSR markers

M Parsaeian, A Mirlohi, G Saeidi - Russian journal of genetics, 2011 - Springer
This research was conducted to study the genetic variation among eighteen genotypes of
sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) collected from various agro-climatic regions of Iran along …

Genetic variation among iranian sesame ('Sesamum indicum'L.) Accessions vis-a-vis exotic genotypes on the basis of morpho-physiological traits and rapd markers

I Tabatabaei, L Pazouki, MR Bihamta… - Australian Journal of …, 2011 -
Characterization of overall genetic diversity is an important foundation in breeding for
superior genotypes. For sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), an important oil seed crop, little is …

Genetic divergence of Nigerian and Indian pearl millet accessions based on agronomical and morphological traits

DA Animasaun, JA Morakinyo… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2017 -
The study assessed the genetic diversity of pearl millet accessions grown in Nigeria and
India based on morpho-agronomic traits in order to identify genotypes with superior …

[PDF][PDF] Genetic diversity studies for morphological traits in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) landraces of Northern Nigeria.

A Abubakar, OA Falusi, MO Adebola, IK Olayemi… - 2019 -
Genetic variability which is the basic material for selection and improvement of any crop is
fast eroding in pearl millet as natural habitats of wild cultivated species are being destroyed …

Appropriate statistical methods for analysis of safflower genetic diversity using agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis through combination of phenotypic traits and …

K Houmanat, A Douaik, J Charafi, L Hssaini… - Crop …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Combining phenotypic and genotypic germplasm characterization is a key to efficient and
successful safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) breeding program by identifying valuable and …

Utility of some floral characters in the assessment of genetic diversity in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)

MA Azeez, MB Olowookere… - Acta Agriculturae …, 2017 -
Sesame collections were evaluated for quantitative floral characters and data obtained were
subjected to various statistical analyses. Result showed narrow diversity in most of the …

[PDF][PDF] Genetic diversity assessment of moroccan sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) populations using agro-morphological traits

M El Harfi, M Jbilou, H Hanine, H Rizki… - J. Agric. Sci …, 2018 -
Genetic diversity of Moroccan sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) was analyzed for the first time
using agro-morphological traits. Thirty-three sesame populations collected from Tadla …

Genetic variation, population structure, and cluster analysis of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes using morphological characteristics and molecular markers

M Fatamatuzzohora, MS Islam, MF Rabbee… - Cereal Research …, 2024 - Springer
Indigenous landraces are heterogeneous and exhibit greater gene diversity, and are
therefore an excellent source of variation and material for crop improvement. However, they …

[PDF][PDF] Genotype X season interaction and characters association of some Sesame (sesamum indicum L.) genotypes under rain-fed conditions of Sudan

SBM Ahmed, AF Ahmed - African Journal of Plant Science, 2012 -
The experiment was carried out at Gedarif Agricultural Research Station Sudan, during the
rainy seasons 08/09 and 09/2010, to estimate the genotype x season interaction and to …

Genetic variation, population structure, and marker-trait association of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars using morphological characteristics and molecular markers

M Fatamatuzzohora, MS Hossain, SG Kang, MN Matin - 2023 -
Indigenous germplasms are the excellent sources of diversity, however, they are prone to
genetic erosion, therefore exploration of genetic variability in indigenous germplasm is an …