Soft lithography
Y **a, GM Whitesides - Angewandte Chemie International …, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
Elastomeric stamps and molds provide a great opportunity to eliminate some of the
disadvantages of photolithograpy, which is currently the leading technology for fabricating …
disadvantages of photolithograpy, which is currently the leading technology for fabricating …
Photonic crystals: putting a new twist on light
JD Joannopoulos, PR Villeneuve, S Fan - Nature, 1997 - nature.com
Photonic crystals are materials patterned with a periodicity in dielectric constant, which can
create a range of'forbidden'frequencies called a photonic bandgap. Photons with energies …
create a range of'forbidden'frequencies called a photonic bandgap. Photons with energies …
Photonic band gap formation in certain self-organizing systems
K Busch, S John - Physical Review E, 1998 - APS
We present a detailed study of photonic band structure in certain self-organizing systems
that self-assemble into large-scale photonic crystals with photonic band gaps (PBGs) or …
that self-assemble into large-scale photonic crystals with photonic band gaps (PBGs) or …
Fabrication of three‐dimensional micro‐structures: Microtransfer molding
XM Zhao, Y **a, GM Whitesides - Advanced Materials, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
Microtransfer molding is a new technique for rapidly fabricating micrometer‐scale structures
over large areas (3.5 cm× 0.8 cm). This new technique, which involves the solidification of a …
over large areas (3.5 cm× 0.8 cm). This new technique, which involves the solidification of a …
Integrated optical components utilizing long-range surface plasmon polaritons
New optical waveguide technology for integrated optics, based on propagation of long-
range surface plasmon polaritons (LR-SPPs) along metal stripes embedded in dielectric, is …
range surface plasmon polaritons (LR-SPPs) along metal stripes embedded in dielectric, is …
[หนังสือ][B] Photonic band gap materials
CM Soukoulis - 2012 - books.google.com
Photonic band gap crystals offer unique ways to tailor light and the propagation of
electromagnetic waves. In analogy to electrons in a crystal, EM waves propagating in a …
electromagnetic waves. In analogy to electrons in a crystal, EM waves propagating in a …
[หนังสือ][B] Introduction to surface and superlattice excitations
MG Cottam, DR Tilley - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Cottam and Tilley provide an introduction to the properties of wave-like excitations
associated with surfaces and interfaces. The emphasis is on acoustic, optic and magnetic …
associated with surfaces and interfaces. The emphasis is on acoustic, optic and magnetic …
[หนังสือ][B] Fundamentals of microfabrication and nanotechnology, three-volume set
MJ Madou - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Now in its third edition, Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology continues to
provide the most complete MEMS coverage available. Thoroughly revised and updated the …
provide the most complete MEMS coverage available. Thoroughly revised and updated the …
[หนังสือ][B] Photonic crystals: principles and applications
Q Gong, X Hu - 2014 - books.google.com
This book provides a broad overview of photonic crystals and, as the title suggests, covers
their principles and applications. It is written from a physics point of view with an emphasis …
their principles and applications. It is written from a physics point of view with an emphasis …
Metallic photonic band-gap materials
We calculate the transmission and absorption of electromagnetic waves propagating in two-
dimensional (2D) and 3D periodic metallic photonic band-gap (PBG) structures. For 2D …
dimensional (2D) and 3D periodic metallic photonic band-gap (PBG) structures. For 2D …