Preventive maintenance scheduling of a multi-skilled human resource-constrained project's portfolio
Companies often struggle with the problem of appropriately assigning multi-skilled
employees and maintaining the required skill levels while performing a changing project's …
employees and maintaining the required skill levels while performing a changing project's …
The effect of technology readiness on technology acceptance in the electronic human resources management field
This study attempted to determine the influence of'technology readiness' on'technology
acceptance'in the electronic human resources management (e-HRM) field. A sample of 167 …
acceptance'in the electronic human resources management (e-HRM) field. A sample of 167 …
Web 2 adoption and performance of telecommunication firms in Ghana: a study of MTN Ghana
Web 2.0 networks have provoked a revolution in the last years due to their capacity to modify
human relationships, particularly in business contexts. Social capital, as a crucial intangible …
human relationships, particularly in business contexts. Social capital, as a crucial intangible …
An examination on the effects of technology acceptance model in electronic human resource management
The aim of the current study was to explore the relationship between clarity of electronic
human resource management (e-HRM) goals, social influence, apparent usefulness, user …
human resource management (e-HRM) goals, social influence, apparent usefulness, user …
[HTML][HTML] ICT as the New Age of Development of HR Management
K Anguelov - People Management-Highlighting Futures, 2022 -
Abstract Information and communication technologies are becoming increasingly important
for the development of corporate management. This fully corresponds to the human …
for the development of corporate management. This fully corresponds to the human …
Human Resource Management In Selected Industrial Enterprises: Innovative Technology Towards Competitiveness
Invariably, the integrated approach to the formation and implementation of programs in
improving the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in the context of economic …
improving the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in the context of economic …
A Mediated Moderation Analysis Of The Efficacy Of E-Hrm
The aim of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of e-HRM by a mediated moderation
analysis. This paper used both descriptive and quantitative approaches, while the research …
analysis. This paper used both descriptive and quantitative approaches, while the research …
[PDF][PDF] Интегрированные системы HR-данных (HRIS) в функции управления персоналом: эволюция развития, подходы к определению, конкурентные …
ВО Чварков, НВ Громова - Управление персоналом и …, 2024 -
Аннотация В данной статье рассмотрены эволюционные этапы функционального
развития ИT-технологий в области HR, а также детально изучены современные …
развития ИT-технологий в области HR, а также детально изучены современные …
[PDF][PDF] Public Service Recruitment and Selection in Tanzania: Are Regulatory Frameworks for E-Recruitment and Selection Effective?
DH Deogratias, OW Tefurukwa - Journal of Policy and …, 2024 -
The advent of e-recruitment and selection in Tanzania aimed at significantly lessening or
stop** inherent features such as low penetration of job accessibility, corruption, delayed …
stop** inherent features such as low penetration of job accessibility, corruption, delayed …
Sistema de informação de gestão de recursos humanos: Caso de estudo num hotel de 5 estrelas
R Peixoto, C Ramos, I Monteio - Tourism and Hospitality …, 2021 -
A indústria hoteleira é caracterizada por intensa competição, onde cada hotel deve otimizar
os seus recursos humanos para obter vantagem competitiva a fim de sobreviver e garantir o …
os seus recursos humanos para obter vantagem competitiva a fim de sobreviver e garantir o …