Vortices in high-temperature superconductors
With the high-temperature superconductors a qualitatively new regime in the
phenomenology of type-II superconductivity can be accessed. The key elements governing …
phenomenology of type-II superconductivity can be accessed. The key elements governing …
Spin glasses: Experimental facts, theoretical concepts, and open questions
K Binder, AP Young - Reviews of Modern physics, 1986 - APS
This review summarizes recent developments in the theory of spin glasses, as well as
pertinent experimental data. The most characteristic properties of spin glass systems are …
pertinent experimental data. The most characteristic properties of spin glass systems are …
[KNYGA][B] Spin glass theory and far beyond: replica symmetry breaking after 40 years
About sixty years ago, the anomalous magnetic response of certain magnetic alloys drew
the attention of theoretical physicists. It soon became clear that understanding these …
the attention of theoretical physicists. It soon became clear that understanding these …
Valence Bonds in Random Quantum Magnets: Theory and Application to
We analyze the effect of quenched disorder on spin-1/2 quantum magnets in which
magnetic frustration promotes the formation of local singlets. Our results include a theory for …
magnetic frustration promotes the formation of local singlets. Our results include a theory for …
[KNYGA][B] Quantum Phase Transitions in Transverse Field Models
A Dutta - 2015 - books.google.com
The transverse field Ising and XY models (the simplest quantum spin models) provide the
organising principle for the rich variety of interconnected subjects which are covered in this …
organising principle for the rich variety of interconnected subjects which are covered in this …
[KNYGA][B] Spin glasses: an experimental introduction
JA Mydosh - 1993 - taylorfrancis.com
The phase of condensed matter known as spin glasses has become a vital and productive
area of research. Historically, experiment has suggested unusual effects which have brought …
area of research. Historically, experiment has suggested unusual effects which have brought …
Colloquium: Quantum annealing and analog quantum computation
The recent success in quantum annealing, ie, optimization of the cost or energy functions of
complex systems utilizing quantum fluctuations is reviewed here. The concept is introduced …
complex systems utilizing quantum fluctuations is reviewed here. The concept is introduced …
Equilibrium behavior of the spin-glass ordered phase
DS Fisher, DA Huse - Physical Review B, 1988 - APS
A phenomenological theory of the ordered phase of short-range Ising spin glasses is
developed in terms of droplet excitations and presented in detail. These excitations have …
developed in terms of droplet excitations and presented in detail. These excitations have …
The relationship of dynamical heterogeneity to the Adam-Gibbs and random first-order transition theories of glass formation
We carefully examine common measures of dynamical heterogeneity for a model polymer
melt and test how these scales compare with those hypothesized by the Adam and Gibbs …
melt and test how these scales compare with those hypothesized by the Adam and Gibbs …
Models of the glass transition
J Jackle - Reports on Progress in Physics, 1986 - iopscience.iop.org
The different physical aspects of glass transitions are reviewed and models aiming at their
explanation are described. The following three main aspects are distinguished: the degree …
explanation are described. The following three main aspects are distinguished: the degree …