Plasmonics beyond the diffraction limit

DK Gramotnev, SI Bozhevolnyi - Nature photonics, 2010 -
Recent years have seen a rapid expansion of research into nanophotonics based on
surface plasmon–polaritons. These electromagnetic waves propagate along metal …

Transparent subdiffraction optics: nanoscale light confinement without metal

S Jahani, Z Jacob - Optica, 2014 -
The integration of nanoscale electronics with conventional optical devices is restricted by the
diffraction limit of light. Metals can confine light at the subwavelength scales needed, but …

Symmetric hybrid surface plasmon polariton waveguides for 3D photonic integration

Y Bian, Z Zheng, X Zhao, J Zhu, T Zhou - Optics express, 2009 -
A two-dimensional symmetric hybrid plasmonic waveguide that integrates two high-
refractive-index dielectric slabs with a finite-width insulator-metal-insulator (IMI) structure is …

A graphene-based hybrid plasmonic waveguide with ultra-deep subwavelength confinement

X Zhou, T Zhang, L Chen, W Hong… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2014 -
Reduction of propagation loss of terahertz graphene plasmon can be made by increasing
the chemical potential of graphene layer, but at the cost of significantly increased modal …

High-performance light transmission based on graphene plasmonic waveguides

D Teng, K Wang, Q Huan, W Chen, Z Li - Journal of Materials …, 2020 -
Deep-subwavelength optical field localization and ultra-long-range transmission are crucial
for nanoscale photonics integration. However, the transmission performances of plasmon …

Theoretical analysis of terahertz dielectric–loaded graphene waveguide

D Teng, K Wang - Nanomaterials, 2021 -
The waveguiding of terahertz surface plasmons by a GaAs strip-loaded graphene
waveguide is investigated based on the effective-index method and the finite element …

Characteristics of a symmetric mid-infrared graphene dielectric hybrid plasmonic waveguide with ultra-deep subwavelength confinement

A Asadi, MR Jafari, M Shahmansouri - Plasmonics, 2022 - Springer
A symmetric graphene dielectric hybrid plasmonic waveguide (SGDHPW) has proposed
with ultra-deep subwavelength confinement in the mid-infrared spectrum. The SGDHPW …

A sodium-based hybrid plasmonic waveguide with ultra-deep subwavelength confinement and low cross-talk

D Teng, R Hu, Y Tang, K Wang - Optical Materials, 2024 - Elsevier
Surface plasmon photonics provides a feasible method for achieving high-density photonic
integration and low-loss optical field transmission. Here we propose a sodium-based hybrid …