Revisiting the age and palaeoenvironments of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous? Dinosaur-bearing sedimentary record of eastern Spain: implications for Iberian …
An integrated stratigraphic, palaeontological, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical
study of the traditionally considered Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing …
study of the traditionally considered Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing …
Mesozoic extensional tectonics, stratigraphy and crustal evolution during the Alpine cycle of the eastern Iberian basin
Sequence stratigraphy, subsidence analysis and the integration of the basin fill data allow to
the identification of four successive evolutionary stages in the basins of the eastern Iberian …
the identification of four successive evolutionary stages in the basins of the eastern Iberian …
Biodiversity of ecosystems in an arid setting: The late Albian plant communities and associated biota from eastern Iberia
Deserts are stressful environments where the living beings must acquire different strategies
to survive due to the water stress conditions. From the late Albian to the early Cenomanian …
to survive due to the water stress conditions. From the late Albian to the early Cenomanian …
Chronostratigraphy of the Barremian-Early Albian of the Maestrat Basin (E Iberian Peninsula): integrating strontium-isotope stratigraphy and ammonoid biostratigraphy
A revised chronostratigraphy of the Barremian-Early Albian sedimentary record of the
Maestrat Basin (E Iberian Peninsula) is provided based on a comprehensive synthesis of …
Maestrat Basin (E Iberian Peninsula) is provided based on a comprehensive synthesis of …
J Martín-Chivelet, X Berástegui, I Rosales, L Vilas… - 2002 -
Cretaceous rocks crop out extensively in the three main Alpine orogenic belts of Spain: the
Betic Cordillera, the Pyrenees and the Iberian Ranges. These rocks, deformed during …
Betic Cordillera, the Pyrenees and the Iberian Ranges. These rocks, deformed during …
Late Cretaceous post-rift to convergence in Iberia
Major changes occurred in Iberia during the Late Cretaceous. First, the cessation of the
previous rifting episode derived into generalized thermal subsidence in all basins, which in …
previous rifting episode derived into generalized thermal subsidence in all basins, which in …
[PDF][PDF] Sedimentary evolution of an Aptian syn-rift carbonate system (Maestrat Basin, E Spain): effects of accommodation and environmental change
INTRODUCTION."'-iii-ll}-'I! IIlh1r'-llmr 1.'llnT= H.'Il: l'iH-'r| lhr-'l|'rI'l-“Ill IN IN l.'u.'llll'1ll lllnr'l\'l|| l
lilllillfl l.'llm: llil.'|: l1u1l;,: l.'.* l l'.| 1.| lj {ll'lfl l'l'l: ll11 pl'l: 4.'|: lru-1H: In"-I-1| 1--p|:| l." l-" ll …
lilllillfl l.'llm: llil.'|: l1u1l;,: l.'.* l l'.| 1.| lj {ll'lfl l'l'l: ll11 pl'l: 4.'|: lru-1H: In"-I-1| 1--p|:| l." l-" ll …
Dinosaurs and other fossil vertebrates from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of the Galve area, NE Spain
Since 1950, diverse assemblages of Mesozoic vertebrates have been described from the
Galve area (Teruel Province, NE Spain). More than fifty taxa have been noted, including …
Galve area (Teruel Province, NE Spain). More than fifty taxa have been noted, including …
[HTML][HTML] Eustasy in the Aptian world: A vision from the eastern margin of the Iberian Plate
Abstract Eustatic controls on Early Cretaceous (Aptian) sedimentation in the western Tethys
are discerned in outcrops of carbonate platforms that developed in the Maestrat rift basin …
are discerned in outcrops of carbonate platforms that developed in the Maestrat rift basin …
Sequence stratigraphy and architecture of a late Early–Middle Aptian carbonate platform succession from the western Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain)
The attributes of a 'four-systems-tract'sequence are at times difficult to identify in outcrop-
scale carbonate successions. Poor exposure conditions, variable rates of sediment …
scale carbonate successions. Poor exposure conditions, variable rates of sediment …