Mobile near-infrared sensing—A systematic review on devices, data, modeling, and applications
Mobile near-infrared sensing is becoming an increasingly important method in many
research and industrial areas. To help consolidate progress in this area, we use the PRISMA …
research and industrial areas. To help consolidate progress in this area, we use the PRISMA …
[HTML][HTML] The methodology of studying fairness perceptions in Artificial Intelligence: Contrasting CHI and FAccT
The topic of algorithmic fairness is of increasing importance to the Human–Computer
Interaction research community following accumulating concerns regarding the use and …
Interaction research community following accumulating concerns regarding the use and …
Robot-assisted decision-making: Unveiling the role of uncertainty visualisation and embodiment
Robots are embodied agents that act under several sources of uncertainty. When assisting
humans in a collaborative task, robots need to communicate their uncertainty to help inform …
humans in a collaborative task, robots need to communicate their uncertainty to help inform …
InfoPrint: Embedding interactive information in 3d prints using low-cost readily-available printers and materials
We present a fully-printable method to embed interactive information inside 3D printed
objects. The information is invisible to the human eye and can be read using thermal …
objects. The information is invisible to the human eye and can be read using thermal …
Show Me What's Wrong: Impact of Explicit Alerts on Novice Supervisors of a Multi-Robot Monitoring System
With the rise of autonomous multi-robot systems, the role of the robot operator shifts from
controlling and observing a single robot to that of a supervisor overseeing multiple robots …
controlling and observing a single robot to that of a supervisor overseeing multiple robots …
Near-infrared imaging for information embedding and extraction with layered structures
Non-invasive inspection and imaging techniques are used to acquire non-visible information
embedded in samples. Typical applications include medical imaging, defect evaluation, and …
embedded in samples. Typical applications include medical imaging, defect evaluation, and …
Museum Visitor Experiences Based on Hyperspectral Image Data
Hyper-and multispectral imaging allows to collect data from specific wavelength ranges or
across the electromagnetic spectrum, including frequencies that are imperceivable for …
across the electromagnetic spectrum, including frequencies that are imperceivable for …
Understanding Human-AI Trust in the Context of Decision Making through the Lenses of Academia and Industry: Definitions, Factors, and Evaluation
O Vereschak - 2022 -
With the rise of AI-embedded systems assisting decisions in the context of medicine, justice,
recruiting, Human-AI trust has become an utmost design priority. Numerous governments …
recruiting, Human-AI trust has become an utmost design priority. Numerous governments …
InfoPrint: Embedding Information into 3D Printed Objects
We present a technique to embed information invisible to the eye inside 3D printed objects.
The information is integrated in the object model, and then fabricated using off-the-shelf dual …
The information is integrated in the object model, and then fabricated using off-the-shelf dual …
BrainEx: Interactive Visual Exploration and Discovery of Sequence Similarity in Brain Signals
Technology advances and lower equipment costs are enabling non-invasive, convenient
recording of brain data outside of clinical settings in more real-world environments, and by …
recording of brain data outside of clinical settings in more real-world environments, and by …