Neogene and Pleistocene history of Agave lechuguilla in the Chihuahuan Desert

E Scheinvar, N Gámez… - Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aim The history of Agave lechuguilla, a characteristic and dominant plant of the
Chihuahuan Desert, was reconstructed in order to determine the importance of the Neogene …

Influence of the geological history of the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt on the diversification of Nolina parviflora (Asparagaceae: Nolinoideae)

E Ruiz‐Sanchez, CD Specht - Journal of Biogeography, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Our aims were to determine the pattern of genetic variation in the endemic shrub N olina
parviflora, and to evaluate the influence of the geological history of the T rans‐M exican V …

A comparison of trap** techniques (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, and Curculionoidea excluding Scolytinae)

MJ Skvarla, APG Dowling - Journal of Insect science, 2017 -
Beetles (Coleoptera) are a charismatic group of insects targeted by collectors and often
used in biodiversity surveys. As part of a larger project, we surveyed a small (4 hectare) plot …

Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of a distylous shrub (Palicourea padifolia, Rubiaceae) reveals past fragmentation and demographic expansion in Mexican cloud …

C Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, JF Ornelas… - Molecular Phylogenetics …, 2011 - Elsevier
Several phylogeographic studies in northern Mesoamerica have examined the influence of
Pleistocene glaciations on the genetic structure of temperate tree species with their southern …

Phylogeography of Liquidambar styraciflua (Altingiaceae) in Mesoamerica: survivors of a Neogene widespread temperate forest (or cloud forest) in North America?

E Ruiz‐Sanchez, JF Ornelas - Ecology and evolution, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We investigate the genetic variation between populations of the A merican sweetgum (L
iquidambar styraciflua), a tree species with a disjunct distribution between northeastern T …

Multiple Pleistocene refugia and Holocene range expansion of an abundant southwestern American desert plant species (Melampodium leucanthum, Asteraceae)

CA Rebernig, GM Schneeweiss, KE Bardy… - Molecular …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Pleistocene climatic fluctuations had major impacts on desert biota in southwestern North
America. During cooler and wetter periods, drought‐adapted species were isolated into …

Pleistocene refugia in the Chihuahuan Desert: the phylogeographic and demographic history of the gymnosperm Ephedra compacta

I Loera, SM Ickert‐Bond, V Sosa - Journal of Biogeography, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Aim We investigate the influence of late Neogene orogenic activity and Pleistocene glacial‐
interglacial cycles on intraspecific divergence and demographic history in the gymnosperm …

Species diversification in a lineage of Mexican red oak (Quercus section Lobatae subsection Racemiflorae)—the interplay between distance, habitat, and …

RA McCauley, AC Cortés-Palomec, K Oyama - Tree genetics & genomes, 2019 - Springer
In widespread taxa in which hybridization is suspected of being an important aspect of
species biology, the patterns and drivers of lineage diversification are not always clear …

Population differentiation and phylogeography in Lycianthes moziniana (Solanaceae: Capsiceae), a perennial herb endemic to the Mexican Transition Zone

MA Anguiano-Constante… - Biological Journal of …, 2021 -
Abstract Lycianthes moziniana (Solanaceae: Capsiceae) is a perennial herb with edible
fruits that is endemic to Mexico. Three varieties are recognized, all known in the Mexican …

Evolutionary response to Quaternary climate aridification and oscillations in north-western China revealed by chloroplast phylogeography of the desert shrub Nitraria …

Z Su, M Zhang - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 -
To investigate the influence of climate aridification and oscillations on the genetic diversity
and evolutionary processes of organisms in the Quaternary in north-western China, we …