[HTML][HTML] Chemical insights into oxidative and nitrative modifications of DNA
This review focuses on DNA damage caused by a variety of oxidizing, alkylating, and
nitrating species, and it may play an important role in the pathophysiology of inflammation …
nitrating species, and it may play an important role in the pathophysiology of inflammation …
Coupling of barriers to gene exchange: causes and consequences
Coupling has emerged as a concept to describe the transition from differentiated
populations to newly evolved species through the strengthening of reproductive isolation …
populations to newly evolved species through the strengthening of reproductive isolation …
Rapid vertebrate speciation via isolation, bottlenecks, and drift
Speciation is often driven by selective processes like those associated with viability, mate
choice, or local adaptation, and “speciation genes” have been identified in many eukaryotic …
choice, or local adaptation, and “speciation genes” have been identified in many eukaryotic …
How important is sexual isolation to speciation?
A central role for sexual isolation in the formation of new species and establishment of
species boundaries has been noticed since Darwin and is frequently emphasized in the …
species boundaries has been noticed since Darwin and is frequently emphasized in the …
Parasite escape mechanisms drive morphological diversification in avian lice
Organisms that have repeatedly evolved similar morphologies owing to the same selective
pressures provide excellent cases in which to examine specific morphological changes and …
pressures provide excellent cases in which to examine specific morphological changes and …
Multidimensional divergent selection, local adaptation, and speciation
Divergent selection applied to one or more traits drives local adaptation and may lead to
ecological speciation. Divergent selection on many traits might be termed “multidimensional” …
ecological speciation. Divergent selection on many traits might be termed “multidimensional” …
Long-distance dispersal of pigeons and doves generated new ecological opportunities for host-switching and adaptive radiation by their parasites
Adaptive radiation is an important mechanism of organismal diversification and can be
triggered by new ecological opportunities. Although poorly studied in this regard, parasites …
triggered by new ecological opportunities. Although poorly studied in this regard, parasites …
The taxonomic status of Artemia monica Verrill, 1869 (Crustacea: Anostraca)
Species are fundamental units of nature that need proper identification in order to assess
and conserve biodiversity. Artemia is a model crustacean for population analysis and …
and conserve biodiversity. Artemia is a model crustacean for population analysis and …
[PDF][PDF] Integrating fundamental processes to understand eco-evolutionary community dynamics and patterns
Recent studies demonstrate that ecological and evolutionary processes can occur over
similar temporal and spatial scales and might thus frequently interact. Although concepts …
similar temporal and spatial scales and might thus frequently interact. Although concepts …
Biogeographic history of pigeons and doves drives the origin and diversification of their parasitic body lice
Despite their extensive diversity and ecological importance, the history of diversification for
most groups of parasitic organisms remains relatively understudied. Elucidating broad …
most groups of parasitic organisms remains relatively understudied. Elucidating broad …