[PDF][PDF] The habitat of fault-generated pseudotachylyte: Presence vs. absence of friction-melt
RH Sibson, VG Toy, R Abercrombie… - Geophysical Monograph …, 2006 - researchgate.net
Anticipated frictional dissipation during seismic rupture is such (10–100 MW/m2) that melting
on fault planes should be widespread provided slip is well-localized. However, despite …
on fault planes should be widespread provided slip is well-localized. However, despite …
The earthquake cycle in the dry lower continental crust: insights from two deeply exhumed terranes (Musgrave Ranges, Australia and Lofoten, Norway)
This paper discusses the results of field-based geological investigations of exhumed rocks
exposed in the Musgrave Ranges (Central Australia) and in Nusfjord (Lofoten, Norway) that …
exposed in the Musgrave Ranges (Central Australia) and in Nusfjord (Lofoten, Norway) that …
Deformation and ultrafine dynamic recrystallization of quartz in pseudotachylyte-bearing brittle faults: A matter of a few seconds
Tectonic pseudotachylytes, ie quenched friction-induced silicate melts, record coseismic slip
along faults and are mainly reported from the brittle crust in association with cataclasites. In …
along faults and are mainly reported from the brittle crust in association with cataclasites. In …
Pseudotachylyte in muscovite-bearing quartzite: Coseismic friction-induced melting and plastic deformation of quartz
M Bestmann, G Pennacchioni, G Frank… - Journal of Structural …, 2011 - Elsevier
Thin (0.5–2 mm thick) pseudotachylyte veins occur within muscovite-bearing (∼ 10%
volume), amphibolite-facies quartzites of the Schneeberg Normal Fault Zone (Austroalpine …
volume), amphibolite-facies quartzites of the Schneeberg Normal Fault Zone (Austroalpine …
断层失稳错动热场前兆模式: 雁列断层的实验研究
马瑾, 刘力**, 刘培洵, 马胜利 - 地球物理学报, 2007 - dzkx.org
热场变化过程. 从实验记录中发现, 在断层失稳引起温度场和热红外辐射亮温温度场上升之前 …
热场变化过程. 从实验记录中发现, 在断层失稳引起温度场和热红外辐射亮温温度场上升之前 …
Basement-hosted sand injectites: use of field examples to advance understanding of hydrocarbon reservoirs in fractured crystalline basement rocks
CS Siddoway, G Palladino, G Prosser, D Freedman… - 2021 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Sedimentary injectites hosted within basement rocks, where preserved on land, offer a
means to investigate the geometry, extent, dimensions and spacing of fractures that form an …
means to investigate the geometry, extent, dimensions and spacing of fractures that form an …
Diverse habitats of pseudotachylytes in the Alpine Fault Zone and relationships to current seismicity
VG Toy, S Ritchie, RH Sibson - 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Pseudotachylytes are ubiquitous within New Zealand's Alpine Fault Zone, occurring as:(i)
thin fault veins parallel to existing hanging wall mylonitic foliation;(ii) thicker fault and …
thin fault veins parallel to existing hanging wall mylonitic foliation;(ii) thicker fault and …
Evidence of dmisteinbergite (hexagonal form of CaAl2Si2O8) in pseudotachylyte: A tool to constrain the thermal history of a seismic event
The determination of the maximum temperature achieved by friction melt (Tmelt) in
pseudotachylytebearing faults is crucial to estimate earthquake source parameters (eg …
pseudotachylytebearing faults is crucial to estimate earthquake source parameters (eg …
Seismogenic shear zones in the lithospheric mantle: ultramafic pseudotachylytes in the Lanzo Peridotite (Western Alps, NW Italy)
GB Piccardo, G Ranalli, L Guarnieri - Journal of Petrology, 2010 - academic.oup.com
Abstract At Mt. Moncuni (Lanzo Massif, Western Alps) plagioclase peridotites and early mid-
ocean ridge basalt (MORB) gabbroic dykes are deformed by shear zones containing …
ocean ridge basalt (MORB) gabbroic dykes are deformed by shear zones containing …
Potential of pressure solution for strain localization in the Baccu Locci Shear Zone (Sardinia, Italy)
The mylonites of the Baccu Locci Shear Zone (BLSZ), Sardinia (Italy), were deformed during
thrusting along a bottom-to-top strain gradient in lower greenschist facies. The …
thrusting along a bottom-to-top strain gradient in lower greenschist facies. The …