[PDF][PDF] The habitat of fault-generated pseudotachylyte: Presence vs. absence of friction-melt

RH Sibson, VG Toy, R Abercrombie… - Geophysical Monograph …, 2006 - researchgate.net
Anticipated frictional dissipation during seismic rupture is such (10–100 MW/m2) that melting
on fault planes should be widespread provided slip is well-localized. However, despite …

The earthquake cycle in the dry lower continental crust: insights from two deeply exhumed terranes (Musgrave Ranges, Australia and Lofoten, Norway)

L Menegon, L Campbell… - … transactions of the …, 2021 - royalsocietypublishing.org
This paper discusses the results of field-based geological investigations of exhumed rocks
exposed in the Musgrave Ranges (Central Australia) and in Nusfjord (Lofoten, Norway) that …

Deformation and ultrafine dynamic recrystallization of quartz in pseudotachylyte-bearing brittle faults: A matter of a few seconds

M Bestmann, G Pennacchioni, S Nielsen… - Journal of Structural …, 2012 - Elsevier
Tectonic pseudotachylytes, ie quenched friction-induced silicate melts, record coseismic slip
along faults and are mainly reported from the brittle crust in association with cataclasites. In …

Pseudotachylyte in muscovite-bearing quartzite: Coseismic friction-induced melting and plastic deformation of quartz

M Bestmann, G Pennacchioni, G Frank… - Journal of Structural …, 2011 - Elsevier
Thin (0.5–2 mm thick) pseudotachylyte veins occur within muscovite-bearing (∼ 10%
volume), amphibolite-facies quartzites of the Schneeberg Normal Fault Zone (Austroalpine …

断层失稳错动热场前兆模式: 雁列断层的实验研究

马瑾, 刘力**, 刘培洵, 马胜利 - 地球物理学报, 2007 - dzkx.org
热场变化过程. 从实验记录中发现, 在断层失稳引起温度场和热红外辐射亮温温度场上升之前 …

Basement-hosted sand injectites: use of field examples to advance understanding of hydrocarbon reservoirs in fractured crystalline basement rocks

CS Siddoway, G Palladino, G Prosser, D Freedman… - 2021 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Sedimentary injectites hosted within basement rocks, where preserved on land, offer a
means to investigate the geometry, extent, dimensions and spacing of fractures that form an …

Diverse habitats of pseudotachylytes in the Alpine Fault Zone and relationships to current seismicity

VG Toy, S Ritchie, RH Sibson - 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Pseudotachylytes are ubiquitous within New Zealand's Alpine Fault Zone, occurring as:(i)
thin fault veins parallel to existing hanging wall mylonitic foliation;(ii) thicker fault and …

Seismogenic shear zones in the lithospheric mantle: ultramafic pseudotachylytes in the Lanzo Peridotite (Western Alps, NW Italy)

GB Piccardo, G Ranalli, L Guarnieri - Journal of Petrology, 2010 - academic.oup.com
Abstract At Mt. Moncuni (Lanzo Massif, Western Alps) plagioclase peridotites and early mid-
ocean ridge basalt (MORB) gabbroic dykes are deformed by shear zones containing …

Potential of pressure solution for strain localization in the Baccu Locci Shear Zone (Sardinia, Italy)

L Casini, A Funedda - Journal of Structural Geology, 2014 - Elsevier
The mylonites of the Baccu Locci Shear Zone (BLSZ), Sardinia (Italy), were deformed during
thrusting along a bottom-to-top strain gradient in lower greenschist facies. The …