Tighter generalized entropic uncertainty relations in multipartite systems
L Wu, L Ye, D Wang - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
The uncertainty principle, which demonstrates the intrinsic uncertainty of nature from an
information-theory perspective, is at the heart of quantum information theory. In the realm of …
information-theory perspective, is at the heart of quantum information theory. In the realm of …
Improved tripartite uncertainty relation with quantum memory
F Ming, D Wang, XG Fan, WN Shi, L Ye, JL Chen - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
The uncertainty principle is a striking and fundamental feature in quantum mechanics,
distinguishing it from classical mechanics. It offers an important lower bound to predict …
distinguishing it from classical mechanics. It offers an important lower bound to predict …
Tightening the entropic uncertainty bound in the presence of quantum memory
The uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle in quantum physics. It implies that the
measurement outcomes of two incompatible observables cannot be predicted …
measurement outcomes of two incompatible observables cannot be predicted …
Quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty, teleportation, and quantum discord under decohering environments
The one-qubit teleportation protocol is one of the most well-known topics of quantum
information theory. Indeed, the goal of this quantum protocol is to teleport an arbitrary …
information theory. Indeed, the goal of this quantum protocol is to teleport an arbitrary …
Exploring entropic uncertainty relation and dense coding capacity in a two-qubit X-state
The measurement precision for two incompatible observables in a typical quantum system
can be improved by the aid of one particle as a quantum memory. In this work, we study the …
can be improved by the aid of one particle as a quantum memory. In this work, we study the …
Characterizing entanglement and measurement's uncertainty in neutrino oscillations
Since neutrino oscillations (NOs) show nonclassical features with the Leggett–Garg
inequality and exhibit potential applications in quantum information processing and …
inequality and exhibit potential applications in quantum information processing and …
[HTML][HTML] Entropic uncertainty and quantum non-classicality of Unruh-Dewitt detectors in relativity
An object moving with the acceleration will change the temperature of environment around
it, because of the presence of the Unruh thermal effect. In this work, we investigate the …
it, because of the presence of the Unruh thermal effect. In this work, we investigate the …
Entropic uncertainty relation and quantum coherence under Ising model with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction
Abstract Recently, Ming et al (Quantum Inf Process 17 267, 2018) have investigated the
entropic uncertainty relation in the presence of quantum memory (EUR-QM) and quantum …
entropic uncertainty relation in the presence of quantum memory (EUR-QM) and quantum …
Tightening the tripartite quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty relation
The uncertainty principle determines the distinction between the classical and the quantum
world. This principle states that it is not possible to measure two incompatible observables …
world. This principle states that it is not possible to measure two incompatible observables …
Relationship between quantum coherence and uncertainty bound in an arbitrary two-qubit X-state
By considering one of the particles as a memory in a two-particle system, the entropic
uncertainty relation can be improved and it is called quantum-memory-assisted entropic …
uncertainty relation can be improved and it is called quantum-memory-assisted entropic …