Advances in animal ecology from 3D-LiDAR ecosystem map**
The advent and recent advances of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) have enabled
accurate measurement of 3D ecosystem structure. Here, we review insights gained through …
accurate measurement of 3D ecosystem structure. Here, we review insights gained through …
Forest disturbance and recovery: A general review in the context of spaceborne remote sensing of impacts on aboveground biomass and canopy structure
Abrupt forest disturbances generating gaps> 0.001 km2 impact roughly 0.4–0.7 million km2
a− 1. Fire, windstorms, logging, and shifting cultivation are dominant disturbances; minor …
a− 1. Fire, windstorms, logging, and shifting cultivation are dominant disturbances; minor …
Lidar remote sensing for ecosystem studies: Lidar, an emerging remote sensing technology that directly measures the three-dimensional distribution of plant canopies …
Articles face is repeatedly measured along a transect, the result is an outline of both the
ground surface and any vegetation obscuring it. Even in areas with high vegetation cover …
ground surface and any vegetation obscuring it. Even in areas with high vegetation cover …
Monitoring and estimating tropical forest carbon stocks: making REDD a reality
HK Gibbs, S Brown, JO Niles… - Environmental research …, 2007 -
Reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and degradation in develo** countries is
of central importance in efforts to combat climate change. Key scientific challenges must be …
of central importance in efforts to combat climate change. Key scientific challenges must be …
Aboveground forest biomass and the global carbon balance
RA Houghton - Global change biology, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
The long‐term net flux of carbon between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere has
been dominated by two factors: changes in the area of forests and per hectare changes in …
been dominated by two factors: changes in the area of forests and per hectare changes in …
A global forest canopy height map from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System
MA Lefsky - Geophysical Research Letters, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The value of lidar derives from its ability to map ecosystem vertical structure which can be
used to estimate aboveground carbon storage. Spaceborne lidar sensors collect data along …
used to estimate aboveground carbon storage. Spaceborne lidar sensors collect data along …
[KNYGA][B] Forest ecosystems: analysis at multiple scales
RH Waring, SW Running - 2010 -
This revision maintains the position of Forest Ecosystems as the one source for the latest
information on the advanced methods that have enhanced our understating of forest …
information on the advanced methods that have enhanced our understating of forest …
[KNYGA][B] Remote sensing for sustainable forest management
SE Franklin - 2001 -
As remote sensing data and methods have become increasingly complex and varied-and
increasingly reliable-so have their uses in forest management. New algorithms have been …
increasingly reliable-so have their uses in forest management. New algorithms have been …
Lidar remote sensing of above‐ground biomass in three biomes
MA Lefsky, WB Cohen, DJ Harding… - Global ecology and …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Estimation of the amount of carbon stored in forests is a key challenge for understanding the
global carbon cycle, one which remote sensing is expected to help address. However …
global carbon cycle, one which remote sensing is expected to help address. However …
Vertical structure of vegetated land surfaces from interferometric and polarimetric radar
RN Treuhaft, PR Siqueira - Radio science, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
This paper describes the estimation of parameters characterizing the vertical structure of
vegetated land surfaces, from combined interferometric and polarimetric radar data. Physical …
vegetated land surfaces, from combined interferometric and polarimetric radar data. Physical …