Digital accessibility in the era of artificial intelligence—Bibliometric analysis and systematic review
Introduction Digital accessibility involves designing digital systems and services to enable
access for individuals, including those with disabilities, including visual, auditory, motor, or …
access for individuals, including those with disabilities, including visual, auditory, motor, or …
“Caption It in an Accessible Way That Is Also Enjoyable”: Characterizing User-Driven Captioning Practices on TikTok
As user-generated video dominates media landscapes, it poses an accessibility challenge.
While disability advocacy groups globally have secured hard-won accessibility regulations …
While disability advocacy groups globally have secured hard-won accessibility regulations …
Enhancing Non-Speech Information Communicated in Closed Captioning Through Critical Design
The communication of non-speech information (NSI) in closed captioning is essential in
providing full access and increased enjoyment of video content, particularly for d/Deaf or …
providing full access and increased enjoyment of video content, particularly for d/Deaf or …
Unspoken sound: identifying trends in non-speech audio captioning on YouTube
High-quality closed captioning of both speech and non-speech elements (eg, music, sound
effects, manner of speaking, and speaker identification) is essential for the accessibility of …
effects, manner of speaking, and speaker identification) is essential for the accessibility of …
EmoWear: Exploring emotional teasers for voice message interaction on smartwatches
Voice messages, by nature, prevent users from gauging the emotional tone without fully
diving into the audio content. This hinders the shared emotional experience at the pre …
diving into the audio content. This hinders the shared emotional experience at the pre …
A Human-AI Collaborative Approach for Designing Sound Awareness Systems
Current sound recognition systems for deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) people identify
sound sources or discrete events. However, these systems do not distinguish similar …
sound sources or discrete events. However, these systems do not distinguish similar …
User perceptions and preferences for online surveys in american sign language: An exploratory study
In order to gather data from the signing deaf community, efforts have been made to create
online surveys in American Sign Language (ASL), despite a lack of user studies and UX/UI …
online surveys in American Sign Language (ASL), despite a lack of user studies and UX/UI …
SoundModVR: Sound Modifications in Virtual Reality to Support People who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Previous VR sound accessibility work substituted sounds with visual or haptic output to
increase VR accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) people. However, deafness …
increase VR accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) people. However, deafness …
Visualizing speech styles in captions for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers
Speech styles such as extension, emphasis, and pause play an important role in capturing
the audience's attention and conveying a message accurately. Unfortunately, it is …
the audience's attention and conveying a message accurately. Unfortunately, it is …
Envisioning Collective Communication Access: A Theoretically-Grounded Review of Captioning Literature from 2013-2023
A significant body of human-computer interaction accessibility research explores ways
technology can improve communication access. Yet, this research infrequently engages …
technology can improve communication access. Yet, this research infrequently engages …