Normalization as a canonical neural computation
There is increasing evidence that the brain relies on a set of canonical neural computations,
repeating them across brain regions and modalities to apply similar operations to different …
repeating them across brain regions and modalities to apply similar operations to different …
Philosophy of the spike: rate-based vs. spike-based theories of the brain
R Brette - Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 2015 - frontiersin.org
Does the brain use a firing rate code or a spike timing code? Considering this controversial
question from an epistemological perspective, I argue that progress has been hampered by …
question from an epistemological perspective, I argue that progress has been hampered by …
Generalisation in humans and deep neural networks
We compare the robustness of humans and current convolutional deep neural networks
(DNNs) on object recognition under twelve different types of image degradations. First, using …
(DNNs) on object recognition under twelve different types of image degradations. First, using …
Referenceless prediction of perceptual fog density and perceptual image defogging
We propose a referenceless perceptual fog density prediction model based on natural
scene statistics (NSS) and fog aware statistical features. The proposed model, called Fog …
scene statistics (NSS) and fog aware statistical features. The proposed model, called Fog …
Simulating a primary visual cortex at the front of CNNs improves robustness to image perturbations
Current state-of-the-art object recognition models are largely based on convolutional neural
network (CNN) architectures, which are loosely inspired by the primate visual system …
network (CNN) architectures, which are loosely inspired by the primate visual system …
No-reference image quality assessment in the spatial domain
We propose a natural scene statistic-based distortion-generic blind/no-reference (NR)
image quality assessment (IQA) model that operates in the spatial domain. The new model …
image quality assessment (IQA) model that operates in the spatial domain. The new model …
[BOK][B] Principles of neural design
P Sterling, S Laughlin - 2015 - books.google.com
Neuroscience research has exploded, with more than fifty thousand neuroscientists applying
increasingly advanced methods. A mountain of new facts and mechanisms has emerged …
increasingly advanced methods. A mountain of new facts and mechanisms has emerged …
Cortical interneurons that specialize in disinhibitory control
In the mammalian cerebral cortex the diversity of interneuronal subtypes underlies a division
of labour subserving distinct modes of inhibitory control,,,,,,. A unique mode of inhibitory …
of labour subserving distinct modes of inhibitory control,,,,,,. A unique mode of inhibitory …
Using free energy principle for blind image quality assessment
In this paper we propose a new no-reference (NR) image quality assessment (IQA) metric
using the recently revealed free-energy-based brain theory and classical human visual …
using the recently revealed free-energy-based brain theory and classical human visual …
Comparing deep neural networks against humans: object recognition when the signal gets weaker
Human visual object recognition is typically rapid and seemingly effortless, as well as largely
independent of viewpoint and object orientation. Until very recently, animate visual systems …
independent of viewpoint and object orientation. Until very recently, animate visual systems …