A systematic review of the career adaptability literature and future outlook
CS Johnston - Journal of career assessment, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Researchers in the career domain have embraced the concept of career adaptability as
denoted by a rapid growth in the number of published articles in recent years. Career …
denoted by a rapid growth in the number of published articles in recent years. Career …
Vocational psychology: Agency, equity, and well-being
The present review organizes the vocational psychology literature published between 2007
and 2014 into three overarching themes: Promoting (a) agency in career development,(b) …
and 2014 into three overarching themes: Promoting (a) agency in career development,(b) …
Career adaptability: A meta-analysis of relationships with measures of adaptivity, adapting responses, and adaptation results
Career adaptability, a psychosocial resource for managing career-related tasks, transitions,
and traumas, is a central construct in career construction theory and the field of vocational …
and traumas, is a central construct in career construction theory and the field of vocational …
[HTML][HTML] Is career adaptability a double-edged sword? The impact of work social support and career adaptability on turnover intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many hospitality organizations are trying to help their
employees overcome various challenges. Career adaptability has proven to be useful in …
employees overcome various challenges. Career adaptability has proven to be useful in …
Transformational leadership, adaptability, and job crafting: The moderating role of organizational identification
In this study, we aim to explore the link between transformational leadership and job crafting.
We predict that transformational leadership will stimulate employee job crafting (seeking …
We predict that transformational leadership will stimulate employee job crafting (seeking …
Integrating psychological contracts and ecosystems in career studies and management
Psychological contracts, an individual's system of beliefs regarding exchange arrangements,
are key components in the construction and development of individual careers and the …
are key components in the construction and development of individual careers and the …
Proactive personality and career adaptability: The role of thriving at work
Z Jiang - Journal of vocational behavior, 2017 - Elsevier
This is a pioneer study to examine the mechanism underlying the relationship between
proactive personality and career adaptability. Using a moderated mediation approach, it …
proactive personality and career adaptability. Using a moderated mediation approach, it …
Career adaptability and career success in the context of a broader career resources framework
Increasing dynamics of careers make the development and application of different career
resources important for successful career development. The study aimed to understand how …
resources important for successful career development. The study aimed to understand how …
Career adaptability predicts subjective career success above and beyond personality traits and core self-evaluations
H Zacher - Journal of vocational behavior, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract The Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) measures career adaptability as a higher-
order construct that integrates four psychosocial resources of employees for managing their …
order construct that integrates four psychosocial resources of employees for managing their …
Career adapt-abilities scale–short form (CAAS-SF) construction and validation
The Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) has become one of the most widely used
questionnaires to assess career adaptability. To facilitate its integration into large surveys, in …
questionnaires to assess career adaptability. To facilitate its integration into large surveys, in …