Motion planning for autonomous driving: The state of the art and future perspectives
Intelligent vehicles (IVs) have gained worldwide attention due to their increased
convenience, safety advantages, and potential commercial value. Despite predictions of …
convenience, safety advantages, and potential commercial value. Despite predictions of …
Collaborative perception in autonomous driving: Methods, datasets, and challenges
Collaborative perception is essential to address occlusion and sensor failure issues in
autonomous driving. In recent years, theoretical and experimental investigations of novel …
autonomous driving. In recent years, theoretical and experimental investigations of novel …
V2v4real: A real-world large-scale dataset for vehicle-to-vehicle cooperative perception
Modern perception systems of autonomous vehicles are known to be sensitive to occlusions
and lack the capability of long perceiving range. It has been one of the key bottlenecks that …
and lack the capability of long perceiving range. It has been one of the key bottlenecks that …
A systematic survey of control techniques and applications in connected and automated vehicles
Vehicle control is one of the most critical challenges in autonomous vehicles (AVs) and
connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and it is paramount in vehicle safety, passenger …
connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and it is paramount in vehicle safety, passenger …
Aide: A vision-driven multi-view, multi-modal, multi-tasking dataset for assistive driving perception
Driver distraction has become a significant cause of severe traffic accidents over the past
decade. Despite the growing development of vision-driven driver monitoring systems, the …
decade. Despite the growing development of vision-driven driver monitoring systems, the …
Spatio-temporal domain awareness for multi-agent collaborative perception
Multi-agent collaborative perception as a potential application for vehicle-to-everything
communication could significantly improve the perception performance of autonomous …
communication could significantly improve the perception performance of autonomous …
Domain adaptive object detection for autonomous driving under foggy weather
Most object detection methods for autonomous driving usually assume a onsistent feature
distribution between training and testing data, which is not always the case when weathers …
distribution between training and testing data, which is not always the case when weathers …
How2comm: Communication-efficient and collaboration-pragmatic multi-agent perception
Multi-agent collaborative perception has recently received widespread attention as an
emerging application in driving scenarios. Despite the advancements in previous efforts …
emerging application in driving scenarios. Despite the advancements in previous efforts …
The OpenCDA open-source ecosystem for cooperative driving automation research
Advances in Single-vehicle intelligence of automated driving has encountered great
challenges because of limited capabilities in perception and interaction with complex traffic …
challenges because of limited capabilities in perception and interaction with complex traffic …
Transiff: An instance-level feature fusion framework for vehicle-infrastructure cooperative 3d detection with transformers
Cooperation between vehicles and infrastructure is vital to enhancing the safety of
autonomous driving. Two significant and contradictory challenges now stand in the …
autonomous driving. Two significant and contradictory challenges now stand in the …