A review of groundwater arsenic in the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh and India: from source to sink
The groundwater of the Bengal basin, in Bangladesh and West Bengal state of India, is
found to be severely polluted by non-point sourced, geogenic arsenic (As), which has been …
found to be severely polluted by non-point sourced, geogenic arsenic (As), which has been …
Near-surface wetland sediments as a source of arsenic release to ground water in Asia
Tens of millions of people in south and southeast Asia routinely consume ground water that
has unsafe arsenic levels,. Arsenic is naturally derived from eroded Himalayan sediments …
has unsafe arsenic levels,. Arsenic is naturally derived from eroded Himalayan sediments …
Groundwater dynamics and arsenic contamination in Bangladesh
Although arsenic contaminated groundwater in Bangladesh is a serious health issue, little is
known about the complex transient patterns of groundwater flow that flush solutes from …
known about the complex transient patterns of groundwater flow that flush solutes from …
Arsenic in shallow, reducing groundwaters in southern Asia: an environmental health disaster
Arsenic concentrations in shallow, reducing groundwaters in Bengal, Southeast Asia, and
elsewhere constitute a major hazard to the health of people using these waters for drinking …
elsewhere constitute a major hazard to the health of people using these waters for drinking …
Decoupling of As and Fe release to Bangladesh groundwater under reducing conditions. Part II: Evidence from sediment incubations
Freshly collected sediments from Bangladesh were incubated for two months to study the
release of arsenic to groundwater in a low-oxygen environment. The aquifer sands, diluted …
release of arsenic to groundwater in a low-oxygen environment. The aquifer sands, diluted …
Processes conducive to the release and transport of arsenic into aquifers of Bangladesh
Arsenic is a contaminant in the groundwater of Holocene aquifers in Bangladesh, where≈
57 million people drink water with arsenic levels exceeding the limits set by the World Health …
57 million people drink water with arsenic levels exceeding the limits set by the World Health …
[HTML][HTML] Groundwater arsenic contamination on the Ganges Delta: biogeochemistry, hydrology, human perturbations, and human suffering on a large scale
Over the last several decades, much of population of Bangladesh and West Bengal switched
their water supply from surface water to groundwater. Tragically, much of the region's …
their water supply from surface water to groundwater. Tragically, much of the region's …
Arsenic hazard in shallow Cambodian groundwaters
DA Polya, AG Gault, N Diebe, P Feldman… - Mineralogical …, 2005 - cambridge.org
Our recent discovery of hazardous concentrations of arsenic in shallow sedimentary aquifers
in Cambodia raises the spectre of future deleterious health impacts on a population that …
in Cambodia raises the spectre of future deleterious health impacts on a population that …
[HTML][HTML] Tracing organic matter composition and distribution and its role on arsenic release in shallow Cambodian groundwaters
Biogeochemical processes that utilize dissolved organic carbon are widely thought to be
responsible for the liberation of arsenic from sediments to shallow groundwater in south and …
responsible for the liberation of arsenic from sediments to shallow groundwater in south and …
Arsenic, iron and sulfur co-diagenesis in lake sediments
Profiles of porewater pH and dissolved As, Fe, Mn, sulfate, total sulfide (ΣS− II), total zero-
valent sulfur (ΣS0), organic carbon and major ion concentrations, as well as those of solid …
valent sulfur (ΣS0), organic carbon and major ion concentrations, as well as those of solid …