Electron–molecule collision calculations using the R-matrix method

J Tennyson - Physics Reports, 2010‏ - Elsevier
The R-matrix method is an embedding procedure which is based on the division of space
into an inner region where the physics is complicated and an outer region for which greatly …

Theory of resonance and threshold effects in electron-molecule collisions: The projection-operator approach

W Domcke - Physics reports, 1991‏ - Elsevier
A review is given of the development of the projection-operator formalism of Feshbach
towards a comprehensive theory of resonance and threshold effects in electron-molecule …

Recent progress in dissociative electron attachment: from diatomics to biomolecules

II Fabrikant, S Eden, NJ Mason, J Fedor - Advances in atomic, molecular …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Dissociative electron attachment (DEA) processes occur in many important applied contexts,
particularly gas discharges, plasmas, biological systems, and astrophysical environments. In …

The theory of electron-molecule collisions

NF Lane - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1980‏ - APS
The current state of the theory and its application to low-energy electron-molecule collisions
is reviewed. The emphasis is on elastic scattering and vibrational and rotational excitation of …

A multichannel quantum iefect approach to dissociative recombination

A Giusti - Molecular Applications of Quantum Defect Theory, 2019‏ - taylorfrancis.com
The molecular multichannel quantum defect theory, initially developed to describe the
escape of an electron from the molecular core region, is extended to include dissociation of …

Resonance and threshold phenomena in low-energy electron collisions with molecules and clusters

H Hotop, MW Ruf, M Allan, II Fabrikant - Advances in atomic, molecular …, 2003‏ - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses resonance and threshold phenomena in low-
energy electron collisions with molecules and clusters. Low-energy collisions of electrons …

The UK molecular R-matrix codes

LA Morgan, J Tennyson, CJ Gillan - Computer physics communications, 1998‏ - Elsevier
The R-matrix method has been used with great success in recent years to model low energy
scattering of electrons and positrons by molecules. The codes, developed by a consortium of …

Cross sections for resonant vibrational excitation of by electron impact

AU Hazi, TN Rescigno, M Kurilla - Physical Review A, 1981‏ - APS
We report the results of a theoretical study of resonant vibrational-excitation of N 2 by low-
energy electrons. The vibrational-excitation cross sections were calculated using ab initio …

Bound states using the R-matrix method: Rydberg states of HeH

BK Sarpal, SE Branchett, J Tennyson… - Journal of Physics B …, 1991‏ - iopscience.iop.org
A method is presented for adapting scattering calculations performed with the molecular R-
matrix method to find bound states based on the atomic method of Seaton. Quantum defect …

Electron-induced bond breaking at low energies in HCOOH and glycine: The role of very short-lived anion states

GA Gallup, PD Burrow, II Fabrikant - … Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2009‏ - APS
Cross sections for dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to formic acid and glycine are
calculated by the resonant R-matrix theory. A model with one effective reaction coordinate …