Strategy for Implementing Religious Moderation in Islamic Education Management
The strategy for implementing religious moderation is the systematic steps and approaches
used to integrate the values of religious moderation among today's diversity. This research …
used to integrate the values of religious moderation among today's diversity. This research …
Model Analisis SWOT Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Adaptasi Pemikiran" Strategic Management, Fred R. David"
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang
memengaruhi manajemen pendidikan Islam menggunakan pendekatan analisis SWOT …
memengaruhi manajemen pendidikan Islam menggunakan pendekatan analisis SWOT …
The existence of Dayah Salafiyah in the Development of Islamic Education in the era of globalization
Abstract For Dayah Salafiyah is a traditional Islamic educational institution that has an
important role in maintaining and develo** Islamic scientific heritage in Indonesia. This …
important role in maintaining and develo** Islamic scientific heritage in Indonesia. This …
Interpretation Of Tasawwuf In Islamic Education To Improve Religious Tolerance
The problem with this research is the rise in a number of cases and issues related to
religious intolerance that have occurred in Indonesia in recent years. One of the Ministry of …
religious intolerance that have occurred in Indonesia in recent years. One of the Ministry of …
Kedudukan Politik Dalam Membangun Perkembangan Pendidikan Islam
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kedudukan politik sebagai pemegang
kekuasaan dalam suatu negara.(2) mengetahui kategori pendidikan Islam, baik dalam …
kekuasaan dalam suatu negara.(2) mengetahui kategori pendidikan Islam, baik dalam …
Design and Implementation of Entrepreneurial Management in Forming Student Entrepreneurship
The characteristics and background of students cannot be generalized from one to another.
This requires good management so that it can create innovation in entrepreneurship. This …
This requires good management so that it can create innovation in entrepreneurship. This …
Mewujudkan Toleransi Dan Keharmonisan: Strategi Efektif Pengenalan Moderasi Beragama di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
N Evianah - Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research, 2024 -
Artikel ini membahas implementasi strategi efektif dalam pengenalan moderasi beragama di
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dengan pendekatan kualitatif studi pustaka. Pokok masalah utama …
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dengan pendekatan kualitatif studi pustaka. Pokok masalah utama …
The Idea of Moderate Islam in the Media Space for the Social Construction of Religious Moderation in Indonesia
Social media space can shape social construction, including being able to construct
moderate Islamic ideas. However, the embodiment of the media space promoted by …
moderate Islamic ideas. However, the embodiment of the media space promoted by …
Manajemen Integrasi Kurikulum Madrasah dengan Kurikulum Pesantren dalam Meningkatkan Moderasi Beragama
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang Integrasi manajemen kurikulum
dalam meningkatkan moderasi beragama santri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode …
dalam meningkatkan moderasi beragama santri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode …
Internalization of Religious Moderation Education Through Culture Literacy With a National Insight
The purpose of this study was to describe the strategies carried out by educators at MAN 1
Probolinggo as superior madrasas in an effort to instill religious moderation values. As well …
Probolinggo as superior madrasas in an effort to instill religious moderation values. As well …