Chimera states in neuronal networks: A review
Neuronal networks, similar to many other complex systems, self-organize into fascinating
emergent states that are not only visually compelling, but also vital for the proper functioning …
emergent states that are not only visually compelling, but also vital for the proper functioning …
Regulatory technology (Reg-Tech) in financial stability supervision: Taxonomy, key methods, applications and future directions
Financial regulation is the basic requirement for financial stability. Recently, regulatory
technology (Reg-Tech) has become one of the main research topics in financial stability …
technology (Reg-Tech) has become one of the main research topics in financial stability …
Chimera states in a multilayer network of coupled and uncoupled neurons
We study the emergence of chimera states in a multilayer neuronal network, where one
layer is composed of coupled and the other layer of uncoupled neurons. Through the …
layer is composed of coupled and the other layer of uncoupled neurons. Through the …
Chimera states in uncoupled neurons induced by a multilayer structure
Spatial coexistence of coherent and incoherent dynamics in network of coupled oscillators is
called a chimera state. We study such chimera states in a network of neurons without any …
called a chimera state. We study such chimera states in a network of neurons without any …
System crash as dynamics of complex networks
Complex systems, from animal herds to human nations, sometimes crash drastically.
Although the growth and evolution of systems have been extensively studied, our …
Although the growth and evolution of systems have been extensively studied, our …
Sequential recovery of complex networks suffering from cascading failure blackouts
Over the past decades, prevention and mitigation against cascading failure blackouts in
complex networked systems have been extensively studied. In reality, the functional and …
complex networked systems have been extensively studied. In reality, the functional and …
Competition Analysis on Industry Populations Based on a Three‐Dimensional Lotka–Volterra Model
SY Wang, WM Chen, XL Wu - Discrete Dynamics in Nature and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The classical Lotka–Volterra model is mainly a two‐dimensional configuration. The two‐
dimensional form limits the application scenarios of the Lotka–Volterra model. The research …
dimensional form limits the application scenarios of the Lotka–Volterra model. The research …
Emergence of synchronization in multiplex networks of mobile Rössler oscillators
Different aspects of synchronization emerging in networks of coupled oscillators have been
examined prominently in the last decades. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid on the …
examined prominently in the last decades. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid on the …
The Trump phenomenon: An explanation from sociophysics
S Galam - International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2017 - World Scientific
The Trump phenomenon is argued to depart from current populist rise in Europe. According
to a model of opinion dynamics from sociophysics the machinery of Trump's amazing …
to a model of opinion dynamics from sociophysics the machinery of Trump's amazing …
Complex network construction of Internet finance risk
Internet finance is a new financial model that applies Internet technology to payment, capital
borrowing, and lending and transaction processing. In order to study the internal risks, this …
borrowing, and lending and transaction processing. In order to study the internal risks, this …