Raising team social capital with knowledge and communication in information systems development projects

J Lee, JG Park, S Lee - International Journal of Project Management, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Information systems development is a knowledge intensive collaboration project
demanding high level of team social capital especially between business and technology …

Explaining knowledge sharing with social capital theory in information systems development projects

S Lee, JG Park, J Lee - Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2015 - emerald.com
Purpose–Owing to their complex and knowledge-intensive nature, information systems
development (ISD) projects require effective collaboration between business and …

[PDF][PDF] Social networks and collaborative filtering for large-scale requirements elicitation

SL Lim - 2010 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
Within the field of software engineering, requirements elicitation is the activity in which
stakeholder needs are understood. In large-scale software projects, requirements elicitation …

Exploiting Group Social Capital in Systems Development Projects

JG Park, S Lee, GG Lim, J Lee - Journal of Information Technology …, 2016 - koreascience.kr
Group social capital can be defined as an intangible asset that promotes knowledge sharing
and social interaction. It is posited here that the group social capital raised and nurtured …

Taxonomy of factors affecting timely completion of information technology projects

MA Sahato, AH Ghapanchi - International Journal of …, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
Many information technology (IT) projects suffer from delayed completion. This paper studies
factors which impact timely completion of IT projects. Three Australian IT projects, ie, MYKI …

Expanding the Range of Metrics Used in Response Officer Dispatch Decisions

N Yarwood, M King, M Henshaw - Policing: A Journal of Policy …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Although officer proximity to a grade 2 (non-emergency) incident is the primary metric used
by dispatchers to allocate officers from deployment, other (informal) factors may influence …

Requirements Formulation Neglect as a Major Cause of Poor Data Quality in Information Systems

J Moon, K Liu - International Journal of Organizational and Collective …, 2022 - igi-global.com
This is a report on how much lack or neglect of requirements formulation affects data quality
in information systems. The issue of data quality in information systems is centred around …

How can I know when it's time to stop an IT project?

C Crowley, C Thornley - 2014 - mural.maynoothuniversity.ie
IT projects should deliver value to organizations but there are cases when, however well
planned a project may have been, change s in the environment and/or in the strategic …

When is it time to stop an IT project?

C Crowley, C Thornley - 2014 - mural.maynoothuniversity.ie
IT projects should deliver value to organizations but there are cases when, however well
planned a project may have been, changes in the environment and/or in the strategic …

[PDF][PDF] Supporting Ambulance Crews Electronically through the Provision of 'On-Demand'Patient Health Information

E ALTUWAIJRI, S ALI - 2018 - core.ac.uk
Abstract The North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) does not have direct access to any
information regarding patient health history, current medication, allergies, etc. that might …