[HTML][HTML] Membrane-attached mammalian cytochromes P450: An overview of the membrane's effects on structure, drug binding, and interactions with redox partners
Mammalian cytochromes P450 are an important class of enzymes involved in the
biotransformation of many endo-and exogenous compounds. Cytochrome P450 isoforms …
biotransformation of many endo-and exogenous compounds. Cytochrome P450 isoforms …
Emerging molecular mechanisms of signal transduction in pentameric ligand-gated ion channels
Nicotinic acetylcholine, serotonin type 3, γ-amminobutyric acid type A, and glycine receptors
are major players of human neuronal communication. They belong to the family of …
are major players of human neuronal communication. They belong to the family of …
Structural basis for peroxidase encapsulation inside the encapsulin from the Gram-negative pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae
Encapsulins are self-assembling protein nanocompartments capable of selectively
encapsulating dedicated cargo proteins, including enzymes involved in iron storage, sulfur …
encapsulating dedicated cargo proteins, including enzymes involved in iron storage, sulfur …
MOLEonline: a web-based tool for analyzing channels, tunnels and pores (2018 update)
MOLEonline is an interactive, web-based application for the detection and characterization
of channels (pores and tunnels) within biomacromolecular structures. The updated version …
of channels (pores and tunnels) within biomacromolecular structures. The updated version …
Structure of a volume-regulated anion channel of the LRRC8 family
Volume-regulated anion channels are activated in response to hypotonic stress. These
channels are composed of closely related paralogues of the leucine-rich repeat-containing …
channels are composed of closely related paralogues of the leucine-rich repeat-containing …
PDBsum additions
Abstract PDBsum, http://www. ebi. ac. uk/pdbsum, is a website providing numerous pictorial
analyses of each entry in the Protein Data Bank. It portrays the structural features of all …
analyses of each entry in the Protein Data Bank. It portrays the structural features of all …
MOLE 2.0: advanced approach for analysis of biomacromolecular channels
Background Channels and pores in biomacromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids and their
complexes) play significant biological roles, eg, in molecular recognition and enzyme …
complexes) play significant biological roles, eg, in molecular recognition and enzyme …
A 12 Å carotenoid translocation in a photoswitch associated with cyanobacterial photoprotection
Pigment-protein and pigment-pigment interactions are of fundamental importance to the light-
harvesting and photoprotective functions essential to oxygenic photosynthesis. The orange …
harvesting and photoprotective functions essential to oxygenic photosynthesis. The orange …
Evolutionary shift toward protein-based architecture in trypanosomal mitochondrial ribosomes
INTRODUCTION Ribosomes are universally conserved assemblies composed of ribosomal
RNA (rRNA) and proteins, where rRNA plays key structural and functional roles. Despite …
RNA (rRNA) and proteins, where rRNA plays key structural and functional roles. Despite …
Two Patched molecules engage distinct sites on Hedgehog yielding a signaling-competent complex
INTRODUCTION Appropriate Hedgehog (HH) signaling is important for human health;
excessive HH signaling leads to various cancers, whereas insufficient HH signaling results …
excessive HH signaling leads to various cancers, whereas insufficient HH signaling results …