How deep is the brain? The shallow brain hypothesis

M Suzuki, CMA Pennartz, J Aru - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2023 -
Deep learning and predictive coding architectures commonly assume that inference in
neural networks is hierarchical. However, largely neglected in deep learning and predictive …

Bottom-up and top-down attention: different processes and overlap** neural systems

F Katsuki, C Constantinidis - The Neuroscientist, 2014 -
The brain is limited in its capacity to process all sensory stimuli present in the physical world
at any point in time and relies instead on the cognitive process of attention to focus neural …

Dissociated functional significance of decision-related activity in the primate dorsal stream

LN Katz, JL Yates, JW Pillow, AC Huk - Nature, 2016 -
During decision making, neurons in multiple brain regions exhibit responses that are
correlated with decisions,,,,,. However, it remains uncertain whether or not various forms of …

[KNYGA][B] The conscious brain

J Prinz - 2012 -
The problem of consciousness continues to be a subject of great debate in cognitive
science. Synthesizing decades of research, The Conscious Brain advances a new theory of …

[KNYGA][B] The neurology of eye movements

RJ Leigh, DS Zee - 2015 -
This new edition of Leigh and Zee's Neurology of Eye Movements is available as an
enhanced edition for the first time. Your purchase of the print version includes access to the …

A cerebro-cerebellar network for learning visuomotor associations

N Sendhilnathan, AC Bostan, PL Strick… - Nature …, 2024 -
Consensus is rapidly building to support a role for the cerebellum beyond motor function, but
its contributions to non-motor learning remain poorly understood. Here, we provide …

Mechanisms of top-down attention

F Baluch, L Itti - Trends in neurosciences, 2011 -
Attention exhibits characteristic neural signatures in brain regions that process sensory
signals. An important area of future research is to understand the nature of top-down signals …

Role of prefrontal persistent activity in working memory

MR Riley, C Constantinidis - Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 2016 -
The prefrontal cortex is activated during working memory, as evidenced by fMRI results in
human studies and neurophysiological recordings in animal models. Persistent activity …

Posterior parietal cortex plays a causal role in perceptual and categorical decisions

Y Zhou, DJ Freedman - Science, 2019 -
Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) activity correlates with monkeys' decisions during visual
discrimination and categorization tasks. However, recent work has questioned whether …

Distinct effects of prefrontal and parietal cortex inactivations on an accumulation of evidence task in the rat

JC Erlich, BW Brunton, CA Duan, TD Hanks, CD Brody - Elife, 2015 -
Numerous brain regions have been shown to have neural correlates of gradually
accumulating evidence for decision-making, but the causal roles of these regions in …