Heavy-ion fusion reactions at extreme sub-barrier energies

CL Jiang, BB Back, KE Rehm, K Hagino… - The European Physical …, 2021‏ - Springer
The study of fusion reactions at extreme sub-barrier energies has seen an increased interest
in recent years, although difficult to measure due to their very small cross sections. Such …

Recent experimental results in sub-and near-barrier heavy-ion fusion reactions

G Montagnoli, AM Stefanini - The European Physical Journal A, 2017‏ - Springer
Recent advances obtained in the field of near and sub-barrier heavy-ion fusion reactions are
reviewed. Emphasis is given to the results obtained in the last decade, and focus is mainly …

[HTML][HTML] Fusion of 40Ca+ 96Zr revisited: Transfer couplings and hindrance far below the barrier

AM Stefanini, G Montagnoli, H Esbensen, L Corradi… - Physics Letters B, 2014‏ - Elsevier
The sub-barrier fusion excitation function of 40 Ca+ 96 Zr has been measured down to cross
sections≃ 2.4 μb, ie two orders of magnitude smaller than obtained in a previous …

Examining the correlation between multi-neutron transfer and inelastic excitations in sub-barrier fusion enhancement

A Rani, S Mandal, K Chakraborty, R Gupta, CV Ahmad… - Physical Review C, 2022‏ - APS
Background: Heavy-ion fusion cross-sections at sub barrier energies are found to be
enhanced by orders of magnitude as compared to the predictions of one-dimensional barrier …

Role of neutron transfer in the sub-barrier fusion cross section in

NK Deb, K Kalita, HA Rashid, S Nath, J Gehlot… - Physical Review C, 2020‏ - APS
Background: In heavy-ion-induced fusion reactions, cross sections in the sub-barrier region
are enhanced compared to predictions of the one-dimensional barrier penetration model …

Role of positive transfer values in fusion cross sections for reactions

P Jisha, AM Vinodkumar, S Sanila, K Arjun, BRS Babu… - Physical Review C, 2022‏ - APS
Background: The relevance of including channel coupling effects in the form of target
deformation and vibration in fusion reactions has been well established. Many reactions with …

Examining the enhancement of sub-barrier fusion cross sections by neutron transfer with positive  values

VA Rachkov, AV Karpov, AS Denikin, VI Zagrebaev - Physical Review C, 2014‏ - APS
Background: Significant enhancement of sub-barrier fusion cross sections owing to neutron
rearrangement with positive Q values were found for many combinations of colliding nuclei …

Investigation of the role of neutron transfer and fusion hindrance in at deep sub-barrier energies

R Prajapat, M Maiti, R Kumar, M Sagwal, Gonika… - Physical Review C, 2023‏ - APS
The challenging task in heavy-ion collisions is unambiguously identifying the true fusion
events in the deep sub-barrier region. Considering the primary challenge, we have …

Fusion and back-angle quasielastic measurements in near the Coulomb barrier

R Prajapat, M Maiti, R Kumar, M Sagwal, Gonika… - Physical Review C, 2022‏ - APS
Background: Advancement in accelerator facilities has opened the door to dig deep to
understand the interplay between nuclear reactions and structures. Although the influence of …

Sub-barrier fusion in the system

RN Sahoo, M Kaushik, A Sood, P Kumar, A Sharma… - Physical Review C, 2019‏ - APS
Background: In heavy-ion induced reactions, the sub-barrier fusion cross sections are found
to be higher as compared to the predictions of the one-dimensional barrier penetration …